Saturday, August 31, 2019
Pursuasive Policy
To persuade my audience that the fight against bullying begins at home. Central Problem Statement: Due to the increase in bullying in schools, there is a need to prohibit bullying and create a safe and educational environment. INTRODUCTION Attention Step (Pathos) l. Bullies. Dictionary. Com defines bullies as a blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people.I will now share a true story with you and I want you to think to ourselves If this story poses as the definition. A few years ago, on the evening of September 9th, 2010, a boy of Greensboro named Billy Lucas committed suicide by hanging. Earlier that day Billy had been suspended from school for cursing at the bullies that were harassing with â€Å"gay†discourse. Channel 8 news reports that a day before Billy committed suicide that his sister told a good friend of Bills that â€Å"He had a chair pulled out from underneath him and was told to go hang himself. Lat er that evening that Is Just what he did. Reveal the Topic II. There are a few absolution policies that are set In the school systems that prevent bulling from occurring, only to limit it. Relevancy (Logos) Ill. Most schools pretty much have the same policy with in their school system, which is called the Anti-Bully Policy. This policy basically states that any student or employee will not be abused psychologically or physically. Credibility I have had personal V. Experience with this as my friend was a victim In a bullying case.Unfortunately for him, he awaited the same fate as Billy as he committed suicide after being pushed to the edge. Preview For the next few minutes, I will share about the frequency at which bullying occurs without interference not only in the state of Indiana but the entire country. I will also state the obvious by saying the policies set in now are ineffective and new policies with new strategic plans need to be unveiled in order to save lives. BODY Need Ste p (Claim) l. Bystanders don't take the necessary actions to prevent bullying from proceeding In schools.Assertion 1: Bullying Is a concerning issue that happens everyday, whether it is reported or not, it happens. Evidence Logos: A. According to a study done by the Response Ability Act, 86% of children have witnessed bullying at least once (RAP Project) Evidence Logos: B. In 2008, there was a study done right here in Indiana that showed how bullying cases led to suicides. From the ages 10-19 there were an astonishing 1,819 suicides relating to bullying In school, which means there are way too many people not doing anything about It. Evidence Pathos: C.As I have already stated, before I moved here, I had a friend that would constantly be bullied and even while I was around, which made me he bystander. This went on for some time until I saw on the news that my friend had committed suicide. It broke my heart because I was just as guilty as the bully for not doing anything to stand up f or what was right and I have regretted not taking action ever since. Transition: Now tattoo know some statistics and my own personal let Like me, in my story, many bystanders lack courage to step into the situation Evidence Pathos: A.Imagine you are the victim in a bullying situation such as the one I previously stated. I mean you are in the midst of a bully string to ingle as much pain as possible into you. You look up and see your classmates laughing and making fun of you, yet you see your best friend Just watching. Evidence Ethos: B. Now let's switch roles for a bit, you're the bystander or the best friend Just watching this take place. Why don't you do anything? Why don't you stick up for your friend? Well according to Recount. Com, the typical bystander doesn't get involved for various reasons.But the most common reasons are â€Å"None of their business†, â€Å"They will come a target†, and â€Å"It will give them an unwanted stigma, such as a tattle tale†. (Recount. Com) Evidence Logos: C. The U. S. Department of Justice shows the between the years of 1999 and 2003 there had been a 2. 1% increase in bullying cases. So we bystanders have to stop this trend. Transition: Now that you know that not only bullying is a problem but also the bystander that does nothing is a problem, let me explain how we can offer help and or implement policies to eliminate these problems. Satisfaction Step: II.Spending the appropriate time with the kids at mom teaching the correct morals and values will put an end to bullying in schools. A. Psychometric. Com states that the best and most obvious way to stop bullying in schools is for parents to change the way they parent their children at home. A. Good kids who don't get in trouble or start any trouble typically come from households in which these morals and values are presented to them almost daily. B. Bullies usually come from families who fight a lot which is seen as the acceptable behavior and is repeat ed in school. B.However my audience here is probably brothers and sisters ND maybe aunts and uncles. A. The same principles really apply, your apart of the family too so you should have a part too. C. So in order to summarize this up, I'm not asking for money or donations, I'm not asking for you to sign a petition, I am Just asking you to spend time with the kids in your household and to make sure you know that they know what is right and how to handle these situations if they were to occur. Transition: Now that you know the root of the problem of bullying, I want to show you a video that puts everything into perspective.
Credible Nutrition Information Essay
It is four in the afternoon and your feeling that daily slow down after a long day. Some people turn to a chocolate bar, cup of coffee, healthy fruit but many are turning to Red Bull for the boost of energy. However, children these days are exposed to more advertisement each day, which as a result has them also drinking Red Bull. Little do they know that they could very well be harming themselves with every gulp. This paper will provide information on sources that have seen these problems and are now trying desperately to education the public Part A I personally would use Google to find background information on the topic. If I could not do so and I had no idea where to do, I would use an encyclopaedia to search related topics on my own without uses them as sources (i.e. Wikipedia). Furthermore, once I have established the direction in which I desire to go about writing the assignment, I would then look for credited or relevant websites, keeping in mind quality over quantity. The three websites I have chosen for this assignment are the following: 1) This is a very useful websites when you need medical information on health concerns, injuries, diet and much more. The link with regards to this assignment is below: 2) This is practically MSN and the Australian Media. I found this article with information provided by the Australian Drug Foundation’s Drug Info Clearinghouse who is sponsored by the Australian Drug Foundation. Furthermore providing a very interesting news report. The link with regards to this assignment is below: 3) This 2010 Pulitzer Prize winning news paper station has reported direct information regarding this assignment. The link with regards to this assignment is below: 4) What better source to use then the information provided by the company itself. Through I could not find any direct information on the actual effects of red bull on children, I did however find out the major ingredient which is a great starting point to relate back to. The link with regards to this assignment is below: Part B In order to know if my information is accurate, I would check the sources that I am using. For my sources for example: 1) WebMD is a â€Å"content staff blends award-winning expertise in medicine, journalism, health communication and content creation to bring you the best health information possible.†Furthermore all articles and information is reviewed by an independent medical review board. Additionally I feel that do to the natural and background of this type of website, biasness would not be present. Doctors and medically people alike are all about the health and wellbeing of society and would not give the public false information unless the side effects of the product were not evident to themselves at that time. 2) and Australian Drug Foundation are both extremely creditable entities. With MSN and the Australian media being extremely creditable as they provide a country with up to date information, on the country itself, the world, health and sports. Whereas the Australian Drug Foundation who is sponsored by the Australian Government would not provide inaccurate information that could affect the public and in this example someone across the world. Furthermore I do feel that the media could and have influenced our population on other topics, but when it comes to health but I feel they are right on this their report in this case. 3) The Seattle Times, a 2010 Pulitzer Prize Award winning for achievements in newspaper journalism, literature and musical composition in America. Thus demonstrating their reputation for correct literature. Furthermore I choice this topic because it was directly related to my topic. Furthermore with the prestige’s award of the Pulitzer Prize winner for being a top journalism and literature newspaper, I feel that with that reputation you would not print information that is false and easily discredited. Thus demonstrating how they would not be bias over this article. 4) is the website of the company Redbull who makes the energy drinks that are directly related to my topic. Additionally, do to Government laws and regulations they are required to provide accurate information on their products and also to provide nutritional ingredients and information panels which include calories etc. However I do believe that Redbull would in fact be bias towards their product. If Redbull was to leave all their dirty laundry out in the open over their product they would not have any business. This is why I could not find any information with regards to children drinking Redbull on their websites. They must be aware of some health implications and chooses not to display this on their advertising website. Part C In order to determine if the person providing the information is a credible source of nutritional information I would have to take into consideration what exactly they are writing. With regards to my paper, i believe I have extremely creditable material through the source I am receiving it. On the other hand, I do not necessarily have extremely creditable individuals in the medical field with regards to medical studies besides doing the same research as myself excluding WebMD as this websites as it is run by a board of doctors. Additionally, I would love to personally sit down and interview RedBull as I do not believe in their product and upon exploring the negative health implications I feel that they should not be able to market their product towards children as it is unsafe. As for my other 3 sources, I CREDIBLE NUTRITION INFORMATION: INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT would love to sit down and throw ideas off of everyone as to other ways we could inform the public. I would love to know of any personal projects that they are also conducting or involved with. After reviewing my information, I conduct that Red Bull is not acceptable for children, and to be honest, I don’t even know if Red Bull should be consumed period. With many much more healthier alternatives such as fruit, dark chocolate and protein shakes, society should impose a proper diet and they will not feel the effects of an afternoon snag in their energy levels. Reference List NineMSN Tuesday, (August 3rd, 2010). Energy drinks: are they safe?. Retrieved from Nautural Medicines Comprehensive Database Consumer Version 2009. Caffeine. Retrieved from Howard Cohen (April 2, 2008). Kids+ energy drinks= dangerous mix. Retrieved from Red Bull. Red Bull Energy Drink. Retrieved from
Friday, August 30, 2019
Apple’s Competitive Strategies and Government Policies Essay
The Apple IPhone Company has created quite a name for itself through the creation and sales of the phone that is leading in innovation, technology, and consumer popularity. With many large cell phone competitor companies, such as T-Mobile, Verizon, At&t, and Sprint, the IPhone has managed to continually create a product and service that continues to beat the competitors in technology and innovation. The smaller cell phone companies such as Cricket, Metro PCS, and Boost Mobile are able to stay in business only because they sell somewhat of a different marketing strategy, which is a cheaper service plan, with older phones. The Apple IPhone has profited from the recent horizontal merger of T-Mobile, a large cell phone provider, and MetroPCS, a smaller cell phone provider. Two companies made this merger in the same industry that came together in hopes of increasing revenue for both organizations (Investopedia, 2014). The profit that came to Apple Iphone from the merger was increased sale s of the IPhone; MetroPCS has access to the unlocked IPhones and can now offer sales to nine million additional consumers that otherwise would not have access through MetroPCS (AppleInsider, 2013). A merger of this type offer other benefits such as â€Å"infrastructure and branding strength,†for the smaller organization, and creates stronger competition for other large cell phone providers as well (Yglesias, 2013). This competition will force other companies to create new service plans with reduced rates and better services in order to continue to remain successful in the industry. This will in-turn push prices down for consumers and level the playing field. The Apple IPhone Company participates in globalization through contracting the manufacturing of the IPhone product through a company named Foxconn Technologies, which is located in Western China. Foxconn creates more than forty percent of the US electronics, and employs around 120,000 workers twenty-four hours a day seven days a week. Many employees work six days a week with harsh working conditions that require fast pace and high pressure from the employees leading to high turnover rates (Dihigg & Barboza, 2012) . Despite the harsh working environment, through globalization Apple is able to help other countries develop faster by providing employment opportunities for areas that would otherwise not have any. This also allows Apple to reduce cost of production creating a higher profit margin and sustainability rates for the organization as a whole (Investopedia, 2014). Government Policies and Regulations The cell phone industries have to follow government policies and regulations. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration have the authority to regulate how much a cell phone emits radiofrequency energy. If a cell phone device releases too much radiofrequency energy the U.S. Food and Drug Administration can have the company recall all the cell phones and repair or replace them. Someone can live near or under a cell phone base and receive the radiofrequency energy into their body this needs to be monitored at all time. U.S. Food and Drug Administration shares responsibility with the Federal Communication Commission to be sure that all phones sold in the United States meets the requirements. The Federal Communication Commission also regulates the base tower of the cell phones. A third party can be injured by someone answering their cell phone while driving and if that call is from a telemarketer that can be very bad. Telemarketers once only called your home phone, now they are given access t o our cell phone numbers. The National Do Not Call Registry has thirty-one days from the date of request to remove your phone number from the telemarketing list. The Federal Trade Commission manages the National Do Not Call Registry. If a company does not stop calling they can be subject to up to a $16,000 fine. We all have been told that texting or sending an email while driving can be deadly to the driver, to the passengers and to an innocent third party in another vehicle. Many states are adopting laws and penalties that can range from $50 to $400 depending how many times the drivers violates the law. A young driver will have their licenses suspended the first time or revoked if it happens a second time. A commercial driver cannot use a cell phone inside a vehicle that the engine is running. Not all states these laws based around cell phones and driving yet, but laws are expected to be in all fifty states as the state sees it necessary. More and more people use their cell phones to store and receive bus iness information. Many people misplace and or lose their cell phone with sensitive information stored in the device. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 [Stimulus Act] will soon want any cell phones used for business to be notified when a breach as happened. Competition; Rules and Regulations Apple Inc. is one of the leading companies in the communication market and because of the rapid growth in technology the global competition is very tight. Telecommunications, globalization, technology, the Internet, and e-commerce have an increased amount of change. Due to this increase companies need to keep up and make changes in their technology, which also means they need to increase their supply, relations, labor, rules and regulations within the company to maintain their competitiveness within the market. Consumers are always looking for the newest technology when it comes to their cell phones, laptops, tablets, and computers. It is imperative for any company that wants to maintain a competitive edge in the market to offer better, faster, and newer products. They must also be willing to maintain service to their existing products as well. Management must make changes within their devices as well as the service they provide. For the company to be successful the management team must keep strong relations within the company as well as the consumers of the product as well. The individuals purchasing their devices need to be sure that they are receiving the highest quality product and also want the validation that if there is a problem with their device that Apple will be able to fix the problem. The levels of management, support staff, customer service, sales, and technical support must be able to meet the supply and demand while remaining cost effective. While most of the labor for manufacturing Apple products is outsourced to other countries; this is done because they can produce the product at a cheaper rate then they would be able to if it was manufactured within the U.S. Due to the outsourcing of work being done outside the U.S. there is a need to have a union representation for the labor that is being done in other countries. The company needs to ensure that they create policies, rules, and procedures for the company’s employees both within and outside the U.S. Management team needs to make sure they are protecting their employee’s rights both within and outside the U.S. while maintaining their fairness to all employed and still able to create a product that is cost efficient and of the highest quality. Recommendations Apple iPhone merger with T-Mobile is profitable. The merger allows the iPhone to control a large part of the cell phone market. New companies entering the cell phone market must compete with the iPhone on a level of having cheaper rates. Entering a oligopoly market structure is difficult. The merger of Apple iPhone and T-Mobile may lead to other mergers of cell phone companies. Creating new technology by Apple will keep them as a front runner in the cell phone industry; continuing to improve on their now popular cell phone product through technological advances. The popularity of cell phones for more than just calling and sending messages to friends is on the rise. The use of cell phones to conduct business is the lifeline of the businessman or woman on the go. The regulations by the government will still need to be met. Apple in response to government regulations will need to make technological advancements in the safety of their product. The integration of cell phones to the hands free operation of a vehicles radio is one safety step taken. The promoting of not talking and texting while driving must continue and even increase to keep people safe. To keep up with the demand and the changing technology Apple will need to watch the competition closely. The possibility of future mergers will change the labor market. The outsourcing of Apple using a cheaper labor source helps keep production cost down. In order to maintain a high status in the cell phone industry Apple will need to continue to strive for excellence in the technology advancement. Providing superior products to its customers Apple needs make sure it keeps its employees happy. There are fewer unions today compared to years past. This shows that companies are becoming better at providing for its employees. This will need to continue in order for Apple to stay competitive. Reference AppleInsider. (2013, May 1). T-Mobile, MetroPCS Officially Merge, Bringing IPhone to 9M More in US. Retrieved from Dihigg, C. (Interviewer)., & Barboza, D. (Speaker). (2012, January 26). In China, Human Costs are Built into an IPad [Video podcast]. Retrieved from Federal Trade Commission. (2009). Retrieved from Investopedia. (2014). Globalization. Retrieved from Investopedia. (2014). Horizontal Merger. Retrieved from TechTarget. (2003-2014). Retrieved from Yglesias, M. (2013, March 28). The Cell Phone Merger America Needs. Retrieved from
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Illegal Aliens and the After-Acquired Evidence Essay
Illegal Aliens and the After-Acquired Evidence - Essay Example The doctrine may level the playing field for employers in employment discrimination claims. However, there is also a danger of inequitably undermining the plaintiff's claims of demonstrating authentically unlawful motivations of employers. The After-Acquired Evidence Doctrine is one of the most controversial rules recently contained in the employment law. As claims on employment discrimination are often invoked in courts by those who alleged unlawful discharge as a consequence of their ethnicity, religion, disability, gender or race, the US courts' decisions with regards these claims have transformed and encompassed contingencies that were neither promulgated nor mulled over by the legislature. The After-Acquired Evidence Rule spawned to be a ground-breaking doctrine which takes into account misconducts - such as document and resume fraud - and the legality of the working status of a person - such as that of an illegal alien. The most controversial aspect of this doctrine is that the evidence discovered which included the misconducts and the illegality of a person's status as aforementioned are still admissible in courts which will consequently undermine a plaintiff's claim of employment discrimination - even if the mi sconducts are discovered after the employee is discharged. One of the most significant aspects of the Acquired-Evidence doctrine is that plaintiffs are prohibited from all remedies although the misconduct done by the claimant is discovered after the termination of employment has been put into effect (Bangert et al, 1999). This ruling is essentially distinct from the customary employment discrimination cases in that, it bestows employers a more reasonable summary judgment. The claim for discrimination becomes irrelevant as the emphasis of the employment discrimination case switches towards the employee misconduct. Normally in an employment discrimination case, the argument centers on the employment decision, as for instance, termination of employment, and the purpose of the employer. This only means that the falsification of documents, resume fraud and the legality of a worker's status may reduce or even eliminate the liability of the employer in an employment discrimination suit. Wettre (2007) asserts that the after-acquired evidence defense 'may level the playing field for employers' in the current system whose bias leans towards employees. The scope and range of the after-acquired evidence doctrine are extensive since it applies to a variety of cases with regards to employment law. The scope includes, for instance, an employee who discharged harmful chemicals, an act unknown to his employers, before his termination. The court would normally decide that it is justifiable for the claimant to receive limited or no back pay damages at all in the light of his violations as for example, releasing hazardous chemicals. 1 In other applications of the doctrine, a claimant's prior conviction unknown to his employer and in the first place barred him from employment for the public position, are rationales for his claims to be dismissed.Â
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
How convincing do you find Stuart Hall's approach to 'race' Essay
How convincing do you find Stuart Hall's approach to 'race' - Essay Example Therefore, Stuart Hall’s approach to race is totally convincing to me, and it is practical in a number of situations; it provides vast knowledge on race dynamics. Stuart Hall argued about the human culture and the tendency to categorise human beings into subgroups, as well as fragment human society diversity into discrete types with regard to characteristics and qualities, which are deemed essential and are always extremely high. The qualities and characteristics according to which human beings are categorised may include intellectual, body and physical characteristics among others (Smaje, 2000, p.55). This categorisation is a reflective cultural impulse; it gives human beings a chance to understand various meanings in classification. Stuart Hall argued that classification is an extremely fundamental aspect of the culture of human beings (Rex and Mason, 1989, p. 35). Further, the significant aspect of classification to people is when the classification becomes the power dispos ition object. This point is relevant to the extent that marking of the similarities and differences across populations of human beings becomes the reference point for treating one group of people with privileges, which may not be enjoyed by another group of people (Malik, 1996, p. 43). In essence, classification facilitates one group to be treated favorably, and the other group gets subjected to a wide range of discriminations and suffering. This juncture marks the union of classification of human societies and cultures and power and authority. Classification assumes the status of a power system, and this power system is evidenced in a wide range of characteristics, especially in human beings (Smaje, 2000, p.57). For instance, this system of power is evidenced in gender, which ascribes feminine and masculine identities to people in a cultural setting. From these ascriptions, a vast range of opportunities, aspirations and behavior can be predicted from the classifications (Omi and Wi nant, 1994, p. 33). Therefore, classification is an extremely generative term, and the moment an individual is classified into any group or race, many things and aspects assume their position in the life of the individual, as a result of the classification. However, classification has another significant aspect in the life of people; it awakens the minds of people and maintains order and stratification of a system. This order is retained at all times, and anything which disturbs this order is viewed negatively, and people who strive to retain the status quo fight to return the order to its original position (Rex and Mason, 1989, p. 46). Apparently, it becomes clear that classification is not only a division into whites and blacks, but also that one of these groups has more value (positive) than the other group. This is the path always taken by power, and any person who attempts to ascribe white characteristics to blacks generates immense worry in society. In such instances, people e xperience misplaced priority and misappropriated ascription, which is described as â€Å"matter out of place†(Malik, 1996, p. 43). This phrase denotes that all societies and cultures have classification orders, which can be said to be inbuilt and out of the culture (Augstein, 1996, p. 36). This order informs people about their position in a society, their rank, as well as
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Socrates and Crito Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Socrates and Crito - Essay Example Crito visited Socrates before dawn and made different arrangements for smuggling Socrates from the prison. But Socrates was not willing to accept the views of Crito. Crito placed many arguments for influencing Socrates to escape from prison. Crito believed that death of Socrates would create negative impressions on him and his friends. Crito and his friends supported Socrates and loved him a lot. For this reason they wanted to save him. But if they are unable to save Socrates then people would think that Crito and his friend did nothing for their dear friend. Crito stated that Socrates should not be concerned about the financial costs and risks which his friends had to bear for saving him. Crito and his friends were willing to pay money and fines for saving Socrates’ life. They also arranged a better life for Socrates. Crito tried his best by presenting best arguments to take Socrates out from prison. Ethical issues were pointed out by Crito. He stated that if Socrates stays i n the prison then his enemies would be benefited by this. So it would be an injustice to Socrates. Moreover if Socrates accepts his execution then his sons would be left alone. They would not get the guidance of their father. But Socrates was not concerned about public opinion (Plato 67). He was interested to listen to the advices of expert people. For this reason Socrates advised Crito not to get concerned with the opinions of others.
Monday, August 26, 2019
KONY 2012 (my point is how the Internet ably change global social Research Paper
KONY 2012 (my point is how the Internet ably change global social structure and support children in Uganda) - Research Paper Example It has enabled connection of billions of individuals across the world, and has had them accessing, creating, and transmitting mega and terabytes of data. Like a super highway, flow of data and information follows a route to a specific location specified by the binary numbers contained within the packets of data being transmitted. The cyberspace is characterized by vast information sites, forums, blogs, and online applications. This, in itself, makes these virtual worlds an enigma to many. Internet innovation has virtually made the world to do away with boundaries and become a digital village. The speed of information flow is also unbelievable. At a click of a mouse button, chunks of data are sent, received, and shared by billions of tech savvies. It then remains a wonder what internet revolution can be. Internet revolution comes with hype and excitement, and promises heaven for the tech savvies. At the same time, if not responsibly used, it brings hell closer to humanity. Huge number s of high level cybercrimes have been reported in the recent past. Highly regarded and sensitive information of governments has leaked; unauthorized sensitive information has been leaking to the public. The other question that arises is whether the right to privacy of individuals in organizations will stand a test of time in the advent of the internet revolution (Burstein and Kline 145). ... The challenge to humanity is how to best harness the positive impacts of internet technology, and at the same time keeping to minimum the possible negative effects to individuals and the society at large (Burstein and Kline 356). Personal and Family Empowerment The net is one of the most powerful empowerment tools to persons and families as it provides more than three-dimensional benefits that include a wider range of information baskets to select from. It helps then to meet their needs, wants, special interests, and entertainment demands.  Quick accessibility of information as a result of internet revolution has enabled individuals to take advantage of opportunities for the betterment of their lives. The Internet can possibly feed one’s imaginations and fasten people’s emotional commitment to great ideas (Firestone and Garmer 124). It has enabled families and individuals to join discussion groups about social issues. They can also publish their works and keep others informed about grassroots action groups and locally-based businesses (Firestone and Garmer 146). Things we wonder can, therefore, direct our ability to create something that brings the world closer, which is a desire of the humanity (Egan 166). To be more specific, the Internet separates the mind from ethnicity, class, gender, and other discriminatory characteristics used to marginalize people (Green 452). The internet renders physical disabilities irrelevant (Hackman and Kato 454). This is because people do not â€Å"present†themselves. Instead, they â€Å"represent†themselves on the computer. Green states that people are encouraged to evaluate the relevance of their concepts over any physical discrimination (7). The internet adds some extra power
Sunday, August 25, 2019
How has your backgroung and experience prepare you to interact Essay
How has your backgroung and experience prepare you to interact effectively with individuals who are different from you in their social, cultural, or economic perspectives - Essay Example As an immigrant to the U.S., I have had to interact with people whose cultures are different from mine. In order to overcome the problem of communication barrier, I have had to learn English, French being my first language. In total, I can effectively communicate in three languages, thanks to my encounters with people of different cultural backgrounds. I have also had the opportunity to work with individuals who are physically and mentally challenged. This experience has made me learn and appreciate the challenges these people face and how they wish to be treated. Furthermore, I have worked in settings that encompass people who hold divergent views and who are from different backgrounds. My interactions with these people have made me learn about different cultures and their general orientations toward life. In conclusion, I have interacted with different people at different forums and settings, something that has greatly shaped my appreciation of divergent views. Today, I am a better person because I have learnt to put myself in other people’s shoes and can contribute constructively in discussions that involve people whose views are different from the ones I
Saturday, August 24, 2019
About my major and me Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
About my major and me - Essay Example Fortunately, mathematics graduates have numerous career choices that are useful in excising practical skills learnt in the disciplines. Being a mathematician has always been my long-term aspiration. The Northern Colorado University, particularly the mathematics department, has a wonderful and equally professional preparation for mathematics undergraduates (Holton 120). The experience in the school will be significant in the realization of my dream. My goals include integration of math in the society to improve the quality of life. First, I would love to be a general mathematician to offer consultation services. My services should include assistance in data analytics for researchers, tutoring of junior math students and assisted budgeting for mid-sized businesses. Such services are very vital in Dubai during a time of economic down turn. In addition to the achievement of my goals, I would commit myself to motivating others in pursuing a major study in mathematics as well. As a tutor, I would love to integrate math in other disciplines such as physics and health
Friday, August 23, 2019
Develop Pitch Letters to Editors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Develop Pitch Letters to Editors - Essay Example Important Questions: What are the effects of recession in terms of fashion production, fashion themes, the hiring of fashion models, the holding of fashion shows? What are the opportunities for teen shoppers (e.g. where to find recession-chic stores or how to maximize a reader’s present wardrobe)? As runway shows and promotions for the publicity-driven fashion world suffer from cost-cutting, where can one see and find the latest news on the fashion trends? These questions would form the basis for my article. In addition, I am also looking at using several case studies of real people with recession-chic experience and how recession affected, say, their shopping patterns. To find the answers to these questions, I will interview fashion directors, designers, models and ordinary teens – all the stakeholders in the issue. The challenge that I can see in writing this article is how to lighten up the theme so as to be teen-friendly. I hope to do a very excellent piece and I see this feature running 2000+ words. I am a regular visitor of I find the site extremely convenient because 1) it caters to my taste; and, 2) I could find my fashion requirement for news, trends and clothes just by browsing the Internet. As a consumer, I find the web really helpful with the amount of shopping and fashion research you could finish in just one sitting. However, one of the downside of the medium is that you could not personally see products and items when buying online. I did have some experience of buying the wrong size or, there was just something off with the design, among other issues. And so I think that a story about custom tailoring might interest your site. Custom tailoring puts everybody at a distinct advantage. Someone going the custom route gets exactly what he or she wants – the choice of fabric,
Make a title Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Make a title - Essay Example A further analysis of the reconstruction era with respect to its objectives, strengths and weaknesses of the specific plans formulated during the drastic reforms period of American states. During the period 1863-1866, Andrew Johnson and President Abraham Lincoln strongly stood on the proposition of re-instating the South back as fast as they could, but this was hindered with forces of the Radical republicans. The radical Republicans position was just to bar such noble idea from attaining its objective and thus they imposed harsh terms and ensured that the rights of the freedmen were upheld to the latter. The Johnson’s policy was viewed to be moderate and hence seen as underrating American freedmen to children. Lincoln agitated for a nation from discrimination and any other form of segregation towards the nationals. This was an exact contract of the school of thought of Abraham, who could be heard in his speeches to depict an enfranchisement of the freedmen (Roark et al. 159). Johnson was steadfast in lobbying for an equal society where even the positions of leadership and access to natural resources is free and fair for everyone. The election of the Congress in 1866 in the North brought about a paradigm shift of policies. The Radicals took control of the policies, by removing former confederates from power. There was also formulation of policies towards establishing a society free from free labor. There was increased protection of the rights of the freedman, an act formulized through the Freedman’s Bureau. Better contractual terms could now be negotiated besides setting up churches and school for them. The congress further passed the Force Acts, to protect African Americans in the South by ensuring that their rights and privileges prevail at all times. Under the presidential reconstruction, the end of May 1865, President Andrew Johnson announced his strategies towards
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Of mice and men was written in a period when mentally disabled people were treated like outcasts Essay Example for Free
Of mice and men was written in a period when mentally disabled people were treated like outcasts Essay Of mice and men was written in a period when mentally disabled people were treated like outcasts. They were treated like that simply because they were different. Mental people were thought to be almost like a different species. Black people were considered outcasts because they had different skin-colour to white people. Also women were treated like property that belonged to men. The novel was written during the Great Depression, where jobs and employment were scarce. The USA was quite a poor country back then. Lennie is considered an outcast because he is mentally disabled. Mentally disabled peopled in that time were treated badly. They were locked up and separated from the rest of society. This is known as segregation. They also use to be sterilised. This means that they werent allowed to have babies or reproduce. Those are all very horrible. However, lennie was not treated like any other mental people. This is because he has George to look after him, and many other mentally disabled people didnt have anybody to care for them or to look after them. But Lennie had that someone, and it was George, so that is whats different about Lennie. In the ranch, however, lennie was considered an outcast. We know this because lennie says to crooks, Everbody went slim, George and everbody. George says I gotta stay here. This shows that Lennie is not allowed to go into town like the rest. Hes not considered good enough do anything with the lads. Lennie is not allowed to play games, such as horseshoe, with the others. From outside came the clang of horseshoe only Lennie was in the barn. This shows that while the others played their games lennie was made to stay inside the barn. He is like an outsider or a refugee. Crooks is considered an outcast simply because he is black. In those days, black people were treated very badly. They were treated differently from white people. Black people were often never called by their first names. Crooks is considered an outcast on the ranch because hes black and isnt referred to his real name, its either crooks or nigger. Crooks also has his pride he is a proud and aloof man. This means that crooks is not allowed inside the bunk house because hes black. Hes allowed to play sports outside the bunk house, but not inside it, which is why he had a separate room. I aint wanted in the bunk house cause Im black. This shows the racial issue of how black men did not mix with whites. Crooks is being segregated in this way. That is also another reason why crooks is an outcast. Curleys wife is presented as an outcast. This is because women in those times were treated as a piece of property by the men. They may have also been treated as a sex object by their husbands; there to cook, clean and have babies. In the ranch Curleys wife is considered an outcast because shes a woman. Also she is related to the boss. She is not allowed to play horseshoe or go into town or even talk to anyone. We know that when she was in the barn with lennie, I get lonely you can talk to people, but I cant talk to nobody but Curly. This shows us that everyone else can talk with whom they like, but she can only talk to her husband. In conclusion, 1930s America is presented as a racist country who thinks black should be separated in terms of class. It is presented as a country that thinks mentally disabled people should be separated from the rest of society. It was also a sexist country who treated women very badly. A very uncivilized country.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Defects Caused by a Defective Government
Defects Caused by a Defective Government Kyleigh Grandon Erin Miller Between the years of 1961 and 1971, over 11 million gallons of an extremely harmful pesticide were sprayed throughout what equates to 10% of Southern Vietnam, or 4.2 million acres. The pesticide, Agent Orange, would go onto lead quite a legacy, ranging from severe birth defects and various types of cancer. The United States is responsible for these health issues that influence over 2.1 million peoples lives today. Veterans that fought in the Vietnam War cannot control who they pass the illnesses on to, so many of their poor, unknowing children and grandchildren are impacted as well. The Department of Defense needs to take responsibility for the effects of Agent Orange and increase the funding to stop the suffering. Agent Orange was accidentally created in 1943 by Arthur Galston. Originally only supposed to be a plant growth stimulant, the pesticide wiped the plants out. This caught the eye of scientists at Fort Detrick in Maryland and they began to study Galstons work. With the help of the British Air Force, Agent Orange was born. Though initially not toxic, it becomes hazardous during production with the addition of the chemical dioxin. Galston boycotted the use for years, but it was not stopped until the presidency of Richard Nixon in 1971. During this time, millions were exposed leading to many severe health problems that most still have today. Money was not given to Vietnam by the country responsible, the United States, until 2007. The U.S. did not even mention helping the Vietnamese until 2006. The fact that 35 years passed before discussions even began is outrageous. When high levels of dioxin were found in soil in two locations in the United States: Love Canal and Time Beach, the Vietnamese almost immediately provided clean-up services and help for American veterans. Over 12 years went by before the United States government considered helping the more severely affected Vietnamese people. There is absolutely no reason why such a long period of time had to go by before the Department of Defense brought the severe effects of Agent Orange before Congress so they could provide proper funding and resolution. One Vietnamese study estimates that up to five million people have health issues that are caused by exposure to Agent Orange. Of the 5 million people suffering, 3.5 million are veterans that have such severe problems, many parish every day. If they are lucky enough to survive, they are faced with the fact that their health issues can still be passed on to their children and their childrens offspring. Approximately 350,000 family members of these veterans have health issues, many being small children. Most that are affected have a cleft palate, congenital heart disease, and / or spina bifida and many do not live until the age of 18. These are only three of the possible 31 diseases listed by the United States Department of Veteran Affairs. With many victims living in small, poverty-stricken villages, they are unable to afford proper medical care and every day parents are forced to watch their small children pass. With all the acts Congress passed between 2007 and 2011, they gave $31,000,000 in total. With the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2012, Vietnam received a well deserved $20,000,000 on top of that. However, it still is not enough, with 17 of 23 soil samples taken from Da Nang, Vietnams fifth highest populated city and busy tourist area, being deemed harmful and far above international standards.  This is devastating, considering there are 1.047 million people living there and when tested, the test results of some Da Nang residents was 100 times above acceptable. A bone marrow and tissue test is typically done to help diagnose people who are ill, but many are unable to receive them because a single test costs a grand. Since most of the funds from the U.S. go towards clean-up, people who suffer with health issues are left stranded, hoping they can get free healthcare just to stay alive. The fact that the clean-up completion date only keeps getting pushed even further into the future and that more people just become exposed everyday is pitiful. This just goes on to prove that Department of Defense does not want to take full responsibility because they are only looking out for themselves and cannot realize the humane thing to do. Since the United States is the highest donator towards the Agent Orange clean-up, many think that they have done enough. With a total of almost 62 million dollars donated, that is completely understandable. 75% of cleanup is complete as of mid-2016, so the question some are asking is why the United States should come up with more funding. When Americans do not have the healthcare coverage they need, the government feels like why should they have to pay for another countrys healthcare. With every one person exposed and the chance to still pass it down from generation to generation it simply means the effects will never end. With millions suffering every day with defects from a defective government, the Department of Defense needs to reach out a longer helping hand to reach those in villages who need increased help. Additionally, the highest concentrated area is next to an airport that has four million attendees a year, one million of those people being foreigners. This only means that the effects of dioxin are potentially spreading all throughout the world for more to get ill. The United States does not recognize any legal liability for damages alleged to be related by Agent Orange. Why is that when they are 100% responsible? Vietnam did not spray Agent Orange on their own country, America did it all. Every time someone gets a disability from Agent Orange, it is all because of us. Dear Department of Defense, accept reality, be humane, and take full responsibility for the mess you have caused.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Eat Pray Love Moving Metaphysical Journey English Literature Essay
Eat Pray Love Moving Metaphysical Journey English Literature Essay This paper considers the contentious space between self-affirmation and self-preoccupation in Elizabeth Gilberts popular travel memoir, Eat, Pray, Love. Following the surveillance of the female confessant, the female traveller has recently come under close scrutiny and public suspicion. She is accused of walking a fine line between critical self-insight and obsessive self-importance and her travel narratives are branded as accounts of navel gazing that are less concerned with what is seen than with who is doing the seeing. These tales of inward journeys, which are typical of New Age travel writing, necessitate thinking about representations of the other, as they call into question the conflicting aspects of authorship, privacy and the subjectivity of truth. The recurring emergence of these themes in womens travel not only reflects an absorbing feminist interest in questions of identity and existence, but also highlight continued anxieties about ontological questions such as Who am I? and What am I to believe? In reading these questions against the backdrop of womens travel, the possibility arises that the culture of narcissism is increasingly read as a female discursive practice. Following the backlash against Elizabeth Gilberts best-selling travel memoir, Eat, Pray, Love, the polar responses to the text from its female readership exemplify this problematic. The novel, which has been praised by some as the ultimate guide to balanced living and dismissed by others as self-serving junk, poses questions about the requisites in Western culture for being a female traveller and for telling a story that focuses primarily on the self. At present, womens travel writing is intersecting new spatial hybridities that have not been crossed before. The genre of travel is still considered a suspect site of exclusionary practices in which masculinist ideology has dictated the formal and epistemological terms of the genre. The genre of self-help, however, is increasingly read as a female discursive practice that is more concerned with ontological questions of being. What we are seeing increasingly, however, is not a separation of the two, but a blending and stretching of the rules and conventions of both. The result of this fusion is the emergence of new kind of hybrid writing, which one academic from Park University calls, the middled-aged narrative (Wood 2006). The middle-aged travel narrative follows the traditional quest of the male hero who leaves home as a rite of passage, except the prototype of the protagonist has changed. The narrator is now a restless female who is writing at mature age and usually, in the midst or aftermath of an existential crisis. This crisis is often knotted in the restraints of domestic duty. Her narrative, which emphasises a desire for personal growth and balance, employs travel as the register for this self-realisation. She typically embarks on a travel adventure that is based on undermining the decisions she has made in the past, in an attempt to facilitate activism and change in the future (ibid). The obvious implication of this, as Wood explains, is that if gender is a performance which defines identity, then identity can be changed, or redefined by new performances that may or may not still have the same gendered meaning (2006, 4). On leaving home, for example, the female travel writer assumes two positions that have traditionally been cast as male roles-the traveller and the writer. While travelling, she may perform multiple roles in an attempt to resist the self that has been previously imposed upon her. In doing so, she attempts to develop an autonomous female identity, and then, to give voice to that process afterwards. In considering this trend, and its social and cultural implications, it is difficult to move past the recent global success of Elizabeth Gilberts travel memoir, Eat, Pray, Love. At the time of writing, the book has sold more than 8 million copies world-wide on a seemingly simple premise: One Womans Search for Everything in Italy, India and Indonesia (Gilbert 2006). The memoir, which spent 155 weeks on the number one spot of the New York Times bestseller list, found its success on the story of a once happily married woman, who reeling from a contentious divorce, takes off around the world in search of what Bitch magazine calls an international safari of self-actualization (2010, par 5). The work, which has been translated into thirty languages, has spawned multiple lines of Eat, Pray, Love merchandise, including goat pillows, prayer shawls (which retail at $350 dollars), a Republic of Tea blend, a digital reader which comes preloaded with the book, a collection of fragrances and a fas hion line by designer Sue Wong. The film adaptation, directed by Ryan Murphy and starring Julia Roberts, opened in August this year to mostly unfavourable reviews. The film also has its own official travel partners, namely Lonely Planet (who sell pre-planned Eat, Pray, Love travel packages) and STA Travel, who advertise various trips to the cities featured in the film. For high-end travellers, there are also invitations from more luxurious tour companies, such as Micato Safaris Inspiration Tour, which encourages Eat, Pray, Love pilgrims or true devotees, to trace Gilberts steps in India for just under $20 000. The memoir then, which has become a global business phenomenon as well as a tourist mecca, appeals to a readership that is just as interested in self as with other. In the opening chapters, the novels narrator, Liz, a professional American woman in her mid-thirties, begins to question the performative roles that have defined her. She tells the reader, I dont want to be married anymore. I dont want to live in this big house. I dont want to have a baby (Gilbert 2006, 10). She explains that she is tired of being the primary breadwinner, the housekeeper, the social coordinator, the dog-walker, the wife and the soon-to-be-mother (ibid, 11). Similar to Rita Golden-Gelmans travel narrative, Tales of a Female Nomad, Gilbert also opens with divorce (Wood 2006, 8). She writes, On September 9, 2001, I met with my husband face-to-face for the last time, not realizing that every future meeting would necessitate lawyers between us, to mediate. We had dinner in a restaurant. I tried to talk about our separation, but all we did was fight. He let me know that I was a liar and a traitor and that he hated me and would never speak to me again. Two mornings later I woke up after a troubled nights sleep to find that hijacked airplanes were crashing into the two tallest buildings of my city, as everything invincible that had once stood together now became a smoldering avalanche of ruin. I called my husband to make sure he was safe and we wept together over this disaster, but I did not go to him. During that week, when everyone in New York City dropped animosity in deference to the larger tragedy at hand, I still did not go back to my husband. Which is how we both knew it was very, very over (Gilbert 2006, 5). Newly single, though not for long, Gilbert brands herself as a woman on the brink of becoming a self-governing individual. She decides she would like a spiritual teacher and constructs a fantasy about what it would be like to have one. She writes, I imagined that this radiantly beautiful Indian woman would come to my apartment a few evenings a week and we would sit and drink tea and talk about divinity, and she would give me reading assignments and explain the significance of the strange sensations I was feeling during meditation (ibid, 7). From the outset then, Gilbert articulates a desire to use (or misuse) travel as the vehicle for what she believes is her search for spiritual fulfilment. She decides she will spend a year travelling in three countries and goes onto establish an explicit reason for visiting each-Italy (to explore the art of pleasure), India (to explore the art of devotion) and Indonesia (to learn the art of balancing both). It was only later, Gilbert writes, after admitting this dream, that I noticed the happy coincidence that all these countries began with the letter I (ibid, 10). In Gilberts case, this constant reference to the e/motional I is particularly telling of the preoccupations of New Age Travel. Increasingly, women are using travel to pose questions such as, Who am I? Why am I here? and What am I to believe? These questions not only reflect an absorbing feminist interest in questions of identity, but also highlight continued anxieties about a collective female experience, which Bitch Magazi ne describes as wealthy, whiney and white (2010, par 5). The hybrid text that arises is more concerned with a search for self than with a search for an authentic travel experience. That is, the travel writing is less preoccupied with what is seen than with who is doing the seeing. What we are finding repeatedly in the work of Western women travel writers, is a resurgence in the obsession with the self which has less interest in the other. At its worst, this kind of writing can be self-obsessive, self-important and self-serving, but at its best it can create a richness and intimacy which is lacking in more objective travel texts. The middle-aged travel narrative, in particular, focuses on travel as a metaphor for a spiritual journey. It is rarely, if ever, framed as an objective investigation into an unknown culture. As the travel that emerges then, is imagined rather than reported, and creative rather than journalistic, the inward looking eye becomes more important than the outward. The central problematic then, in many books sold as travel memoirs, is that they actually minimalise and even dilute the travels they seek to voice. In Eat, Pray, Love, this usually happens in one of two ways. Either the place Elizabeth Gilbert ventures to (for example, the Balinese village of Ubud) is romanticised as an exotic other, or it is reduced, in the case of Naples and Mumbai, to a backdrop in her personal dramas. As a result, the memoir pushes the boundaries between self-insight and self-preoccupation. The consequence of this pushing is that the female travel writer has come under close scrutiny and supervision. She is dismissed as a pulp producer, a pawn under industry pressures and an over-exuberant performer whose work emerges, in what Jonathan Raban calls, literatures red-light district (1987). The consequence of this surveillance for the travel memoir, is that its reception draws polar responses from the reading public. Since its debut, the novel has been accused of being self-absorbed and sexist, and even branded by the New York Post as narcissistic New Age reading, curated by [Oprah] Winfrey (Callahan 2007, par 13). According to Karlyn Crowley, in The Oprahfication of American Culture, Winfrey is a mainstream spokesperson for this kind of writing, as she marries the intimacy and individuality of the New Age movement with the adulation and power of a 700 Club-like ministry (2010, 35). In recent interviews with guests, Oprah announces to her audience, Live your best life! She promotes the message again on her website, in her magazine and during her book club. But according to some critics, much of Oprahs advice actually moves women away from political, economic, and emotional agency by promoting materialism and dependency masked as empowerment (Barnes-Brown and Sanders 2010, par 3). Much of the backlash against the book then, is tied up in what readers perceive as Gilberts own privilege, as well as annoyances they have with her everyday travel complaints and her preoccupation with sacrificing everything for David-a New York actor who she dates after divorcing her husband. On a trip to Bali, in which Gilbert is commissioned to write a story about Yoga vacations, she is invited to visit a ninth-generation medicine man. Gilbert, spends significant narrative time grappling over what she will ask him. She writes, Our Yoga teach had told us in advance that we could each bring one question or problem to the medicine man, and he would try to help us with our troubles. Id been thinking for days of what to ask him. My initial ideas were so lame. Will you make my husband give me a divorce? Will you make David be sexually attracted to me again? (Gilbert 2006, 9). Later, Gilbert admits, I was rightly ashamed of myself for these thoughts: who travels all the way around the world to meet an ancient medicine man in Indonesia, only to ask him to intercede in boy trouble? (ibid). Many readers (who obviously agreed with Gilbert on the matter) voiced their own complaints online. Who does this woman think she is? one blogger asks, Anyone should be so lucky to eat a pizza in Naples off their publishers pay check. If she thinks she has something to complain about, writes another, (under the alias Eat, Pray, Shove), then she should try raising a child alone. In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, Gilbert told how she has stopped going online to read her reviews. All you end up doing is defending yourself to people who you dont know, she said. Two weeks later youre on a lovely walk in the woods with your dog and youre having an argument in your head with somebody from (Valby 2010, par 6). Perhaps the most gender-specific retaliation to Eat, Pray, Love is Andrew Gottliebs travel memoir, Drink, Play, [emailprotected]#k, which sold itself on the premise of One Mans Search for Anything Across Ireland, Las Vegas and Thailand (Gottlieb 2008). In the book, Bob Sullivan, a jilted husband, embarks on a quest to find meaning amongst the glitz and glamour of Vegas, rediscover his passion for drinking in Ireland, and finally, to experience the hedonistic pleasure palaces of Thailand. As the blurb reads, After a life time of playing it safe, Mr. Sullivan finally follows his heart and lives out everyones deepest fantasies. For who among us hasnt dreamed of standing stark naked, head upturned, and mouth agape beneath a cascading torrent of Guinness Stout? What could be more exhilarating than losing every penny you have because Charlie Weiss went for a meaningless last-second field goal? And what sensate creature could ever doubt that the greatest pleasure known to man can be found in a leaky bamboo shack filled with glassy-eyed, bruised Asian hookers? Bob Sullivan has a lot to teach us about life. Lets just pray we have the wisdom to put aside our preoccupations and listen (ibid). Others, however, praise Eat, Pray, Love, as an everyday womans guide to balanced living. A shared message that many female readers seem to distil from the novel is that a woman should not have to apologise for writing a travel story that is primarily about herself. As one bloggers explains, Gilbert has written about what she feels is the most important and defining time of her life, and millions of women like me, have found it useful and stirring. Despite this sense of belonging, or collective appreciation, Gilbert constantly wonders throughout the novel, how she will fit into some sort of community after she returns from her travels. Much of Gilberts angst seems to originate from a sense of alienation from both herself and those around her. As her mother explains to her, You have to understand how little I was raised to expect that I deserved in life, honey. Remember-I come from a different time and place than you do (Gilbert 2006, 29). According to Wood, Gilbert then attempts to answer the difficult questions of her life with the knowledge that, unlike Cinderella, she can choose not to go the ball (2006, 11). It seems her struggle is, essentially, one of choice. In India, she finally finds a place for herself, not at a physical location, but in language-or more specifically, in the Sanskrit word antevasin which Gilbert translates as one who lives at the border (ibid, 70). She writes, When I read this description of the antevasin, I got so excited I gave a little bark of recognition. Thats my word, baby!Im just a slippery antevasin-betwixt and between-a student on the ever-shifting border near the wonderful, scary forest of the new (ibid). In a recent interview with the Borders Book Club, Gilbert also describes how many women have attempted to follow her journey, literally. Every once and a while, I get a letter from somebody who says, Okay, so I went to Italy, I found the gelataria where you ate that gelato and then I went to Naples and I found that pizzeria, and I had the pizza, and now I want to go to India. Can you tell me the name of your Ashram? (2010) This idea that happiness can be packaged through anothers travel experience is not without consequence. Should readers of Eat, Pray, Love fail, the genre holds them accountable for not being ready to get serious, not wanting it enough, or not putting themselves first (Barnes-Brown and Sanders 2010, par 7). Gilbert herself seems to acknowledge this, and affirm it, with a proclamation of what she calls The Physics of the Quest. If you are brave enough to leave behind everything familiar and comforting (which can be anything from your house to your bitter old resentments) and set out on a truth-seeking journey (either externally or internally), and if you are truly willing to regard everything that happens to you on that journey as a clue, and if you accept everyone you meet along the way as a teacher, and if you are prepared-most of all-to face (and forgive) some very difficult realities about yourselfthen the truth will not be withheld from you. Whether or not the book is the ultimate spiritual guide to balanced living or just self-serving junk, the central question that the memoir poses is perhaps more important than its reception. What is the requisite for being a female traveller and for telling a story that is focussed primarily, perhaps even extravagantly, on the self?
Monday, August 19, 2019
Analysis the admission policy of primary and secondary schools in the U
1. Introduction The value and role of â€Å"knowledge†is different in every culture but good basic education is essential in every culture. Primary and secondary education in UK (up to 16) is compulsory for all children. However, there were a limited number of high quality schools and these are oversubscribed application. That created problem of â€Å"distributing†pupils between schools (Hurst and Sugden, 2011). So a practical and effective admission policy has great influence on the quality of basic education. The purpose of writing this report is to argue for the reliability and effectiveness of current enrolment policy. According to this report, it will help admission policy designer to solve the problems and prove the benefits of this policy to parents. This report includes four parts. First of all, there is a brief introduction of evolution of the basic education admission policy. After that, the status of current selection process will be discussed. Thirdly, the advantage and the problems will be evaluated. The last part of this report will show some suggestion for solving the problems, like improving the quality of local schools and punishing â€Å"address cheats†. 2. History Admission policy has undergone a series of changes and developments since Butler’s 1944 Education Act set up compulsory primary (5-11 years) and secondary (11-15 years) schools. At that time, the selection process is 11-plus examination (Mcnay and Ozga, 1985). In the United Kingdom, the 11-plus is an examination administered to some students in their last year of primary education, governing admission to various types of secondary school. The name derives from the age group for secondary entry: 11–12 years. The 11-plus examination usually consisted of three pa... ...dren who study in a local area school will have a better quality of the school and family education owing to the connection between schools and communities. In addition, it also gives equally opportunity access to the good school and good solution for preventing childhood obesity. On the contrary, it leads to a fierce competition for the good quality schools which is recognized as the primary cause of the high house price near good schools. Another fact is that increasing number of parents cheat in the application to the secondary schools. According to the analysis above, improve the quality of the local schools can be an effective way to substantial lessening of competition for good schools. To some extent, strong policy and strict supervision can prevent cheating in application. There recommendations can help the enrollment policy be more effective and fair.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
The Philosophy and Psychology of Sophocles’s Antigone and The Eumenides
The Philosophy and Psychology of Sophocles’s Antigone and The Eumenides in Aeschylus’ Oresteia There is a consensus among readers of the poetry or plays written in the fifth century that the plays succeed with inspiring profound movement on the audience. The methods or reasons for the reader to be moved by a text are often disputed. Specific to tragic works the concepts of philosophy and psychology are critical elements to understand the cause of the stirred emotions of individuals who response to classical tragedies in a similar manner. Philosophy helps to understand â€Å"why†and psychology â€Å"how†poetry affects and moves human emotion. Philosophy and poetry are united by a common intent. Each searches for an explanation of universal ideals instead of concentrating on the particular. Aristotle described this idea in the Poetics, â€Å"Poetry, therefore, is a more philosophical and a higher thing than history: for poetry tends to express the universal, history the particular†(Aristotle, 68). Sophocles’s Antigone and The Eumenides in Aeschylus’ Oresteia are examples that demonstrate the use of poetry as an explanation of the universal. Antigone deals with the struggle of Antigone, who sought to obey the moral obligation of burying her fallen brother and the dictation of Creon not to bury him. Creon’s dictation represents the particular. Described by Antigone his declaration develops from Creon being the, â€Å"Lucky tyrantâ€â€the perquisites of power! Ruthless power to do and say whatever pleases them†(Sophocles, 84). The declaration is seen not to follow the universal cause but it is specific to situation that Polynices had died while attacking Thebes. Antigone insistent to obey the universal code that sh... ...age†(Knox, 137). Sophocles, like many poets, understood the dependence of poetry on its ability to successful implement both philosophy and psychology to their work. Works Cited Aeschylus. The Oresteia: Agamemnon, The Libation Bearers, The Eumenides. Trans. Robert Fagles. New York: Penguin Books, 1977. Aristotle. Aristotle’s Poetics. Trans. S. H. Butcher. New York: Hill and Wang, 1961. Euripides. Ten Plays: Electra and Iphigenia at Aulis. Trans. Moses Hadas and John McLean. New York: Bantam Books, 1981. Knox, Bernard. Introduction and Notes. Three Theban Plays: Antigone, Oedipus the King, Oedipus at Colonus. By Sophocles. Trans. Robert Fagles. New York: Penguin Classics, 1984. 131-53. Sophocles. Three Theban Plays: Antigone, Oedipus the King, Oedipus at Colonus. Trans. Robert Fagles. New York: Penguin Classics, 1984. The Philosophy and Psychology of Sophocles’s Antigone and The Eumenides The Philosophy and Psychology of Sophocles’s Antigone and The Eumenides in Aeschylus’ Oresteia There is a consensus among readers of the poetry or plays written in the fifth century that the plays succeed with inspiring profound movement on the audience. The methods or reasons for the reader to be moved by a text are often disputed. Specific to tragic works the concepts of philosophy and psychology are critical elements to understand the cause of the stirred emotions of individuals who response to classical tragedies in a similar manner. Philosophy helps to understand â€Å"why†and psychology â€Å"how†poetry affects and moves human emotion. Philosophy and poetry are united by a common intent. Each searches for an explanation of universal ideals instead of concentrating on the particular. Aristotle described this idea in the Poetics, â€Å"Poetry, therefore, is a more philosophical and a higher thing than history: for poetry tends to express the universal, history the particular†(Aristotle, 68). Sophocles’s Antigone and The Eumenides in Aeschylus’ Oresteia are examples that demonstrate the use of poetry as an explanation of the universal. Antigone deals with the struggle of Antigone, who sought to obey the moral obligation of burying her fallen brother and the dictation of Creon not to bury him. Creon’s dictation represents the particular. Described by Antigone his declaration develops from Creon being the, â€Å"Lucky tyrantâ€â€the perquisites of power! Ruthless power to do and say whatever pleases them†(Sophocles, 84). The declaration is seen not to follow the universal cause but it is specific to situation that Polynices had died while attacking Thebes. Antigone insistent to obey the universal code that sh... ...age†(Knox, 137). Sophocles, like many poets, understood the dependence of poetry on its ability to successful implement both philosophy and psychology to their work. Works Cited Aeschylus. The Oresteia: Agamemnon, The Libation Bearers, The Eumenides. Trans. Robert Fagles. New York: Penguin Books, 1977. Aristotle. Aristotle’s Poetics. Trans. S. H. Butcher. New York: Hill and Wang, 1961. Euripides. Ten Plays: Electra and Iphigenia at Aulis. Trans. Moses Hadas and John McLean. New York: Bantam Books, 1981. Knox, Bernard. Introduction and Notes. Three Theban Plays: Antigone, Oedipus the King, Oedipus at Colonus. By Sophocles. Trans. Robert Fagles. New York: Penguin Classics, 1984. 131-53. Sophocles. Three Theban Plays: Antigone, Oedipus the King, Oedipus at Colonus. Trans. Robert Fagles. New York: Penguin Classics, 1984.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Boeing 7 Essay
A reverse of this trend is crucial to reach some of the projected sales numbers that Boeing is counting on. There are several factors to these lower numbers. A decrease in business travel has occurred due to cost and the advance of conferencing technologies. And lastly, the weak economy has vacationers thinking of local destinations instead of traveling abroad. Market Share Boeing’s fiercest competitor is Airbus. It is crucial that the new 7E7 delivers on its promise of lower operating cost. This will help command a larger share of the market. This becomes even more important if the economy doesn’t recover as quickly as we hope. The other aspect of the 7E7’s success is the engineering of an expandable wing. Adding this versatility will give the 7E7 owner more options for travel routes. Sensitivity Analysis The following is the sensitivity analysis of the Boeing project which gives optimistic and pessimistic estimates for the underlying variables of volume and cost of sales. The purpose of the sensitivity analysis is to express cash flows in terms of the variables of this project. Boeing had to determine what the decide what the underlying variables were which in this case happen to be development costs and the per-copy costs to build the 7E7. For the project to increase shareholder wealth, Boeing would have to sell at least 2,500 aircraft over a 20-year period. Airbus is a close competitor. They will be coming to market with a new A380. If Boeing falls behind regarding innovation, they may lose their market share. For Boeing to have a future in the aviation industry, they must take the risk to develop this new place. With the economy so volatile, airlines will be looking for options that reduce their operational costs. The 7E7 will do this. The success of the expandable wing will give the plane attractive versatility. Fuel prices are also on the rise, this is yet another reason why a plane with a lower operating cost will succeed in the future The equity market risk premium should equal the excess return expected by investors on the market portfolio. In this case it was calculated to be 7. 14%. The weighted average cost of capital (WACC) was calculated to be 15. 443%. For the project to increase shareholder wealth, the IRR of the project should at least equal the WACC. For this to happen Boeing would have to sell at least 2500 airliners in a 20-year period.
The Board of Directors †Roles and Responsibilities
The Board of Directors – roles and responsibilities The board's key purpose is to ensure the company's prosperity by collectively directing the company's affairs, whilst meeting the appropriate interests of its shareholders and stakeholders. The objects of the company are defined in the Memorandum of Association and regulations are laid out in the Articles of Association. Appointment of directors The ultimate control as to the composition of the board of directors rests with the shareholders, who can always appoint, and – more importantly, sometimes – dismiss a director.The shareholders can also fix the minimum and maximum number of directors. However, the board can usually appoint (but not dismiss) a director to his office as well. A director may be dismissed from office by a majority vote of the shareholders, provided that a special procedure is followed. The procedure is complex, and legal advice will always be required. Role of the board of directors Boards c an be helped greatly by focusing on four key areas: Establish vision, mission and values †¢ Determine the company's vision and mission to guide and set the pace for its current operations and future development. †¢ †¢ Determine the values to be promoted throughout the company. Determine and review company goals. Determine company policies Set strategy and structure †¢ Review and evaluate present and future opportunities, threats and risks in the external environment and current and future strengths, weaknesses and risks relating to the company. †¢ †¢ †¢ Determine strategic options, select those to be pursued, and decide the means to implement and support them. Determine the business strategies and plans that underpin the corporate strategy.Ensure that the company's organisational structure and capability are appropriate for implementing the chosen strategies. Delegate to management †¢ Delegate authority to management, and monitor and evaluate the implementation of policies, strategies and business plans. †¢ †¢ †¢ Determine monitoring criteria to be used by the board. Ensure that internal controls are effective. Communicate with senior management. Exercise accountability to shareholders and be responsible to relevant stakeholders †¢ Ensure that communications both to and from shareholders and relevant stakeholders are effective. †¢ †¢ Understand and take into account the interests of shareholders and relevant stakeholders. Monitor relations with shareholders and relevant stakeholders by gathering and evaluation of appropriate information. Promote the goodwill and support of shareholders and relevant stakeholders. Responsibilities of directors Directors look after the affairs of the company, and are in a position of trust. They might abuse their position in order to profit at the expense of their company, and, therefore, at the expense of the shareholders of the company.Consequently, the law i mposes a number of duties, burdens and responsibilities upon directors, to prevent abuse. Much of company law can be seen as a balance between allowing directors to manage the company's business so as to make a profit, and preventing them from abusing this freedom. Directors are responsible for ensuring that proper books of account are kept. In some circumstances, a director can be required to help pay the debts of his company, even though it is a separate legal person.For example, directors of a company who try to ‘trade out of difficulty' and fail may be found guilty of ‘wrongful trading' and can be made personally liable. Directors are particularly vulnerable if they have acted in a way which benefits themselves. †¢ The directors must always exercise their powers for a ‘proper purpose' – that is, in furtherance of the reason for which they were given those powers by the shareholders. Directors must act in good faith in what they honestly believe to b e the best interests of the company, and not for any collateral purpose.This means that, particularly in the event of a conflict of interest between the company's interests and their own, the directors must always favour the company. Directors must act with due skill and care. Directors must consider the interests of employees of the company. †¢ †¢ †¢ Calling a directors' meeting A director, or the secretary at the request of a director, may call a directors' meeting. A secretary may not call a meeting unless requested to do so by a director or the directors. Each director must be given reasonable notice of the meeting, stating its date, time and place.Commonly, seven days is given but what is ‘reasonable' depends in the last resort on the circumstances Non-executive directors Legally speaking, there is no distinction between an executive and non-executive director. Yet there is inescapably a sense that the non-executive's role can be seen as balancing that of t he executive director, so as to ensure the board as a whole functions effectively. Where the executive director has an intimate knowledge of the company, the non-executive director may be expected to have a wider perspective of the world at large. 2The chairman of the board The articles usually provide for the election of a chairman of the board. They empower the directors to appoint one of their own number as chairman and to determine the period for which he is to hold office. If no chairman is elected, or the elected chairman is not present within five minutes of the time fixed for the meeting or is unwilling to preside, those directors in attendance may usually elect one of their number as chairman of the meeting. The chairman will usually have a second of casting vote in the case of equality of votes.Unless the articles confer such a vote upon him, however, a chairman has no casting vote merely by virtue of his office. Since the chairman's position is of great importance, it is vital that his election is clearly in accordance with any special procedure laid down by the articles and that it is unambiguously minuted; this is especially important to avoid disputes as to his period in office. Usually there is no special procedure for resignation. As for removal, articles usually empower the board to remove the chairman from office at any time. Proper and clear minutes are important in order to avoid disputes.Role of the chairman The chairman's role includes managing the board's business and acting as its facilitator and guide. This can include: †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Determining board composition and organisation; Clarifying board and management responsibilities; Planning and managing board and board committee meetings; Developing the effectiveness of the board. Shadow directors In many circumstances, the law applies not only to a director, but to a ‘shadow director'. A shadow director is a person in accordance with whose directions or instructi ons the directors of a company are accustomed to act.Under this definition, it is possible that a director, or the whole board, of a holding company, and the holding company itself, could be treated as a shadow director of a subsidiary. Professional advisers giving advice in their professional capacity are specifically excluded from the definition of a shadow director in the companies legislation. RCW 5/11/2000Sources: Standards for the Board, Institute of Directors The Independent Director, IoD/Ernst ; Young Running a limited company, David Impney ; Nicholas Montague, Jordans  © 2000 Brefi Group Limited http://www. corporatecoach. co. uk/
Friday, August 16, 2019
The Importance of Mastering English
Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Good afternoon. My name is Rismadilla Ulfah. I am a student of faculty of communication. This is my second year at Bachelor and I am currently studying primary education. Ladies and Gentlemen, Before I begin my speech I would like to respect, thank and acknowledge the lord of the world, the only one Allah SWT, to given us such deeply enjoyable, particularly faith and healthy comfort, hence, we could attend here in a good situation. To our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW who has taught us knowledge in the world.He also brought us from darkness to the brightness, from stupidity to cleverness. To our lecture who has given such a great opportunity for me to stand here and let me speak out my speech in front of all friends who attend today. And also the last but no least to all of my beloved friends. Thank you for coming. Ladies and Gentlemen, In this speech I will be talking to you about the necessity and importance of mastering English. As we know, English has become the universal language since many years ago.It is because English has the most vocabulary than any other language. English upgraded about 8. 500 vocabularies per year. Up till now English has been the first or second language to people around the world. Many people realized that English has the main role to people who wants to communicate with others in other country. But unfortunately not all of us realize that we need to communicate with the world. Ladies and Gentlemen, Nowadays Indonesian participate many international events. It is cannot be done if we don’t communicate with the universal language.As a student of communication, me and all of my friends agree that English has to be mastering by people who wants to wider their space of communication. It is because the world has become more modern. Internet has created to connect each other in a different countries to feel as close as it can. Mass media and social networks also help us to find pe ople, make friends or even business partner with someone we don’t know first. But since this world has so many countries in different island with different language, we cannot efuse we need a language that could connect us to the others. If we don’t try to learn English, it is such a waste because as people we need to communicate with others. That is means if we don’t mastering English, it would limit us to stay connected to the world. Ladies and Gentlemen, Speak is all of people’s skill. There’s not a single person that cannot speak in English. Although sometimes grammar and tenses could bother us but I think, as long as your partner of conversation understand what you mean it will be alright.The main point is the message that you like to deliver is delivered clearly. But sometimes people underastimate by learning English indonesian people would not have national spirit. I think it is a shallow reason because respect our Bahasa and learning Englis h is a different occasion. As a good communicator we have to targeting who we want to receive our message to. If we are going to tell people in a same language, using Bahasa is the proper way to say it. But if we want the entire world understanding our message, English indeed the right language that we’d like to use.If we were just using Bahasa, the message definitely couldn’t be delivered well. The noise is in the wrong way of telling the message. Key of communication is language. Nothing you cannot do if you mastering the universal language, English. It will help your educational progress, carrier, or even making friends. Even some people know how to learn it in easy way such us listening to songs, watching movies or any other fun way. That will helps you to liking English even more. Nothing is too late if we try hard. Thank you for all your attention. Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Martin Luther King Junior is a giant in American History
Martin Luther King Junior is a giant in American History. He was a famous leader within the American Civil Rights movement of the 1950’s and 1960’s and helped lead the way for many improvements for African Americans as they sought to realize their human and civil rights which were guaranteed them under the Constitution of the United States. In trying to secure his civil rights and the rights of all peoples of the United States, he succeeded where other factional parties failed. While the Black Panthers, Marcus Garvey and Malcolm X preached separatism and sometimes hate, Martin Luther King, building upon the teachings of Jesus Christ and his own background as a Baptist minister, taught love and to turn the other cheek, but at the same time, never giving up on what they knew to be right.Martin Luther King’s political life began in 1955 with his leadership in the Montgomery Bus Boycott. On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to comply with the Jim Crow law which prohibited blacks from sitting anywhere on a bus other than in the back. Also, within these Kim Crow laws, an African American would be forced to give up that seat to a white man if there was limited room on the bus.The Montgomery Bus Boycott soon followed. Incidentally, earlier that year, the same thing had happened to a 15 year old girl named Claudette Colvin but King was not prompted to get involved in this case, instead opting to concentrate on the running of his church. But this time, King felt that it was necessary to take a stand. And a stand would be required. The bus system was patronized by African Americans to a great degree. And with there being no set date on when the boycott would end and if it would be successful at all, a great sacrifice was going to have to be made. The boycott ended up lasting 382 days.[1] It was only then that the bus system of Montgomery, almost bankrupt by their sharp decline in revenue, decided to integrate all of their buse s. The boycott had become a success and with it, the name of Martin Luther King had become a household name within the African American community.Dr. King was also instrumental in the Southern Christian Leadership Conference or the SDLC. This group, popular among both white and black college students, harnessed the moral authority and organized black churches to conduct non-violent protests in the service of civil rights reform. The key to this method was the use of non violence. Dr. King was always insistent on this tactic be kept as central to their methods.The main target of these non violent protests was the Jim Crow laws which had attempted to keep African Americans in a quasi state of slavery after the Civil War and which had been very hesitant to yield any power over o the black community within the Southern States. Dr. King also knew that these methods, especially on a large scale, would yield a fair amount of press coverage which would work in their favor within the country as a whole. Newspaper, radio and television accounts of the deprivations and inequalities suffered by African Americans helped to shed light on a subject that a good portion of the white community was not fully aware of and needed to be reminded if they were ever going to get involved themselves or at the very least, be sympathetic about the cause.This involvement hit its peak on an August day in 1963 when it was later estimated at over 250,000 people came to march on Washington.[2] The main speaker of the day was Martin Luther King Junior in what contemporary historians have finally come to recognize as one of the most important speeches in not only American History but also world history as his words that day have been quoted by leaders of any country or group that have sought to secure their civil rights. In that speech, Dr. King spoke on the need for people to be judged on the content of their character and not on the color of their skin. As it was too often the case, African A mericans would be met with a great deal of assumptions about every aspect of their life by white people who had never really known a black person and therefore, their judgment was based upon ignorance rather than on facts.Dr. King wished to change this impediment into successful race relations and harmony among all of God’s peoples on this earth. The title of the speech was â€Å"I Have a Dream.†It was a theme that he had spoke on before. He never said it better than on that day. It was the realization that proper race relations could be realized in the future if people came to the realization that they could work together, play together, cry together and pray together and that each person had similar wants and dreams within their own life and for the life of their children. It was this speech, along with his efforts to pass the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act, the most important civil rights bill in a hundred years, since the passage of the 1 3th amendment, ending slavery in the United States.[3] These rights helped to close the gap between what was promised to African Americans and the rights that they actually received. Chief among them: the right to vote which had been greatly curtailed with the implementation of the oppressive Jim Crow laws.Civil rights for any people cannot be discussed when there is a major difference in the amount of monetary compensation that one receives which is much less than is paid out to somebody of another race. The march on Washington in August of 1963 did not just talk about an idealistic hope of the future but also dealt in some hard facts. Within that speech, were a number of specific demands. One of these demands called for the end of racial discrimination in employment.[4]There was no affirmative action and employers were not pressured to hire African Americans, let alone hire African Americans because they felt that the individual was the most qualified. If the hiring was against th e wishes of the employer or if he thought that such a hiring would decreased his business by inciting reprisal from his area, the African American would not be employed. This kept the possibility of African Americans pulling themselves out of poverty and menial jobs, to a minimum and frustration to a maximum. The SDLC was instrumental in setting up protests in the city of New York with signs that read â€Å"Don’t buy where you can’t work.†[5] If there were not laws that helped end employment discrimination, then the next logical step was to his these businesses, King thought, in the pocket book as was done during the Montgomery Bus Boycott.Economic problems for the African American was a source of concern for Dr. King and many of his speeches are concerning this. King had read Karl Marx while at college and while he could not support the link to atheism that communism has, he rejected traditional capitalism and sometimes, spoke of his support for a democratic fo rm of socialism. The distribution of wealth for the African American was definitely an impediment to their success. Dr. King spoke to this problem: You can’t talk about solving the economic problem of the Negro without talking about billions of dollars.You can’t talk about the ending of the slums without first saying profit must be taken out of the slums. You’re really tampering and getting on dangerous ground because you are messing with folk then. You are messing with captains of industry†¦ Now this means that we are treading in difficult water, because it really means that we are saying that something is wrong with capitalism†¦ There must be a better distribution of wealth and maybe America must move toward a democratic socialism.†[6] Dr. King often said that the United States was on the wrong side of revolution in the world. The United States would support the revolt of â€Å"the shirtless and barefoot people†of the world but seem ed to turn a blind eye towards the problems that a large segment of their own population was enduring right here in America. Economic problems for the African American, Dr. King recognized, was at the center of the frustration that black people felt and the disillusion that they felt in America’s democratic and economic success.This press towards economic equality was part of Dr. King’s passion until the end of his life. Dr. King also pushed for the passage of what was known as the Poor People’s Bill of Rights. This called for a massive increase in government jobs programs which would be designed to rebuild America’s inner cities and to finally do away with the slums of America which were serving as an impediment to the success of the African American as it could only breed more poverty as well as disunion within one’s own country.[7] Dr. King saw the need as well, to confront Congress’ hostility to the poor and the fact that billions of dol lars were being spent to fund the war in Vietnam but only a small percentage of that money was actually being used to rebuild the infrastructure of cities right here in America. King saw a vision for change that engulfed many aspects of life and sources of trouble and pain for the African America. Poverty, racism, the government’s importance on militarism and materialism as well as the need to reconstruct society were all passions of Dr. King which he felt was worthy enough of becoming his life work.Dr. King was a man who became famous and more importantly influential, because of his mind and heart acting as one. There have been smarter people that Dr. King but none have been as affective because they could spark the passions of a country in the way that Dr. King did. Dr. King was the recipient of the 1964 Nobel Peace Award to which he told his friends and family, he was mot proud of receiving this award. He also won the 1965 American Jewish Committee award for exceptional ad vancement of the principle of human liberty. Dr. King was not the first person to recognize the inequality that was present in the lives of African Americans but there were none that put that pain into the series of effective sentences and themes to which he was able to formulate.This takes a mind that is able to encompass a wide range of ideas and theories. Dr. King took his inspiration from the Bible and the teachings of Jesus as he was a Baptist preacher before he was a civil rights leader. But he also read Marx and was inspired by the non violence tactics of Handy as he led India against British colonist in the 1940’s. This makes an intellectual: â€Å"one who gathers among himself, a wide range of ideals and motivations and through a careful study of a specific problem, learns to use what he will to his advantage and the advantage of his people for the greater good of society.†[8] The Black Panthers certainly didn’t do this and Malcolm X did to a degree but not in the way and not to the degree that Martin Luther King did. And that made all the difference.King also received a long list of other prestigious awards. In 1971, he won a Grammy for the Best Spoken Word in Why I Oppose Vietnam and was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. He is also the author of a number of important and influential books as well which he wrote during his time as the leader of the American Civil Rights Movement. Some of these were The Stride Toward Freedom (1958) which detailed the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Where do we go from here: Chaos or Community? (1967) This book answered some his critics, including influential Black Panther leader Hoagie Carmichael, in why violent tactics in the attempt to gain civil rights would only lead to chaos and a step back within the civil rights movement.However, in later years, his intellectual skills within his writings and books have come under scrutiny. Beginning in the 1980’s, questions were being raised as to the authenticity of King’s writings as there was suspicion of plagiarism within some of his speeches. Even his doctrinal dissertation which he wrote while attending Boston University was examined and it was asserted that a sizable portion of his writings (25%) had under them a suspicion of plagiarism.University officials within Boston College came to that conclusion after a lengthy investigation. It was also recognized that Dr. King got his material from a number of black as well as white preachers on the radio and was accused of passing of those words and ideas as his own. But it has also been pointed out that within African American folk preaching and the oral traditions, that often times the ideas of one are fine tuned and changed slightly in order to fit the audience to which Dr. King was speaking. Despite Boston University’s own opinion about these speeches, Dr. King’s degree was not revoked because the officials still believed that the speeches still made an important contribution to the academic world.Dr. King was an intellectual but also a man of the people. Dr. King had a keen understanding of the plight of the African America because he was black, but more importantly he was able to transpose himself into the life and troubles of a garbage worker in Memphis or an elderly lady going home after a hard day at work and simply not wanting to give up her seat to a man simply because he is white. Even with all of the awards that he won and the books that he wrote, this still remained the case until his death in 1968.Dr. King, by the very nature of his work, was a man that possessed a great social consciousness. Always on the side of the oppressed, Dr. King still continued to recognize the importance of continuing his stance on non violence in order to obtain civil rights for African Americans. This, along with his superior ability as an orator, helped to make him so effective. He knew that he would never be taken seriously and his m essage would never be able to resonate within the white majority of he had preached separatism or the idea that all white people were devils as Malcolm X did for a good portion of his time as the leader of the Nation of Islam.King knew, and genuinely felt, that it was not the race of an individual but rather racism discrimination and inner prejudice which served as the chief impediment towards one being able to love and respect their fellow human being. Setting the civil rights problem as a moral issue, was able to resonate among many more people than if he had listened to the Black Panthers or angry Africa American young people who chided him for what was seen as he weakness of non violence. Due to this, many young people as well as students, professors and others who perhaps had never before been motivated to take a stand for anything before in their lives, flocked to King’s speeches, protests and marches. This is the work of a man who knew how to use the crowd and their un derlining sense of morality, to aid in the securing of civil rights for all peoples within America. The Civil Rights Movement centered on the social injustices that many African Americans were facing in every pocket of the United States.But it would also be Dr. King’s feelings on Vietnam that would prompt him to alienate himself from a large majority, the silent majority†as President Nixon labeled them, that was in support of the War in Vietnam and therefore, against the harsh criticism that Dr. King levied against the government’s role in that conflict. To be socially conscious does not necessarily mean that one is only aware of what is happening within one’s own town, state or country but the injustice that are occurring anywhere in the world. Not since The Civil War has a conflict polarized the country to the degree that The Vietnam War was able to place upon the country. â€Å"And by 1965, Dr. King was vocal in his opposition to the war and Americaâ €™s heavy involvement in that conflict in which he saw thousands of poor African Americans, unable to secure a seat in a college university and escape the draft, be sent to the front lines and fight and die for a country that has treated them often times, as second class citizens.†[9]This at a time when billions of dollars are being spent to fund this war, when Dr. King saw dozens of other more worthy projects in which the money could be spent to better the lives of not only African Americans but poor whites and Latinos within America’s poorest cities. And Dr. King was all to aware of the fact that these poor cities and the lack of opportunities for the above mentioned only breeds frustration which often times lead to crime and a cyclical effect upon the next generation is often times too strong to avoid. It is this level of social consciousness that helped endear Dr. King to the masses of African Americans, not only during his short time as leader of the civil righ ts movement but which continues to this day as well. He often times makes the list of the most important and revered figures in American history. His ability of being consciousness of the social ills that befell many African Americans and being able to put those struggles into words is one of his most enduring qualities.Dr. King was so effective a leader of the civil rights movement because he was a great orator. If the masses, both then and now were not inspired by his speeches and written word, Dr. King would have become as successful at Ralph Abernathy or Jesse Jackson. Anyone in a leadership position at such a crucial time within the civil rights movement would have gained some degree of recognition but Dr. King would never have reaches the level of greatness that he did if we was a poor orator or writer.His Letter from a Birmingham Jail as well as his I Have a Dream Speech†are seen as masterpieces to be studied in history as well as political science and English clas ses all over America and the world. The success of his academic works comes from the fact that he writes and speaks with such passion, During his I Have a Dream Speech, King knew exactly the right time to increase the volume of his diction and when to speak in a calm yet assertive way. If he had shouted the entire speech or had given a meeker version of the speech, it still would have been regarded as important but it could never have risen to the level of greatness which that speech has enjoyed these past forty years.His text as well as his diction and delivery were all flawless. Great orators are also great writers on many occasions. Both Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill were methodical in the preparation of their speeches and would practice each speech numerous times as they debated over each and every word within their speech.[10] This was the case with Dr. King. Each speech, especially his I Have a Dream Speech as well as his acceptance speech at the Nobel Peace Prize cere mony, had within its pages, every word in its specific order, the way in which Dr. King felt his messages would be most effectively portrayed to his audience.And also, speeches whose contents were not practiced to the same degree and repetition are also wonderful as well because Dr. King spoke from the heart, from his experiences and he knew his crowd. This was never seen better than in the last speech he would ever make. On April 3rd, 1968 at Mason Temple, King have a prophetic speech: it doesn’t really matter to me now†¦.Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place, but I’m not concerned about that now. I just want to do God’s will. And he’s allowed me to go to the mountain! And I’ve looked over, and I’ve seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the Promised Land. And so I’m happy tonight. I’m not worried about anyth ing. I’m not fearing any man. My eyes have seen the Glory of the coming of the Lord†[11] Such a speech, if anyone has had the pleasure to view it, cannot help but be moved. But the fact that Dr. King was assassinated the very next day, makes the speech that night as well as what makes up the body of his works, that much more important to be saved and remembered.Dr. Martin Luther King Junior was an essential figure in American History and specifically, the Civil Rights Movement. His speeches have been repeated by every leader of every movement that has sought to secure for its people, equal rights and equal treatment under the law. His importance cannot be underestimated as he took his political, social, economic, intellectual and artistic understandings and molded them together to form a man who was aware of the plight of the poor and oppressed and was able to capture that pain and put it into words in order than the nation as a whole might understand that pain, in a more real, human and affective way than perhaps anyone in American history. And those are the reasons why Dr. Martin Luther King Junior is the great man that he was and which makes him motivate people forty years after his premature death.WORKS CITEDBurns, Ken. New York. Boston: PBS Video 1999.Beltry, Mark . The March on Washington. Chicago: Life Magazine. August 30, 1963 p. 24-28Gordon, Terrance    The Life of Martin Luther King. Chicago: Life Magazine. April 8, 1968 p. 16-22.McMillian, Joan. Martin Luther King.: I Have a Dream. Sacramento: School House Educational Films 197[1] McMillian, Joan. Martin Luther King.: I Have a Dream. Sacramento: School House Educational Films 1971.[2] Beltry, Mark . The March on Washington. Chicago: Life Magazine. August 30, 1963 p. 24-28 [3] McMillian, Joan. Martin Luther King.: I Have a Dream. Sacramento: School House Educational Films 1971. [4] Beltry, Mark . The March on Washington. Chicago: L ife Magazine. August 30, 1963 p. 24-28 [5] Burns, Ken. New York. Boston: PBS Video 1999. [6] McMillian, Joan. Martin Luther King.: I Have a Dream. Sacramento: School House Educational Films 1971 [7] Ibid. [8] Gordon, Terrance    The Life of Martin Luther King. Chicago: Life Magazine. April 8, 1968 p. 16-22. [9] Gordon, Terrance    The Life of Martin Luther King. Chicago: Life Magazine. April 8, 1968 p. 16-22. [10] Manchester, William. The Last Lion. Harper Collins. New York, 1988. [11] Gordon, Terrance    The Life of Martin Luther King. Chicago: Life Magazine. April 8, 1968 p. 16-22.
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