Sunday, January 5, 2020
The Risk Of Falling And Its Effect On The Individual And...
A patient that incurs a fall is described as an unanticipated plunge to a surface with the possibly of sustaining an injury. â€Å"Each year, between 700,000 and 1,000,000 people in the United States fall in the hospital†reports A Toolkit for Improving Quality of Care, n.d. Individuals sustaining a fall is a troublesome issue worldwide. The risk of falling is enhanced as a result of hospitalization due to the unfamiliarity of the surround environment, sickness and treatments. The fall itself and associated inuries imposes a burden on the individual and the entire health care system. It can have a lingering effect on the individual resulting in limited mobility, which imposes declining functionality and a heightened probability of additional occurrences of falling 4. As individuals age, the probability of being injuries as a result of a fall increases dramatically and in the case of necessary hospitalization, results in increased costs and prolonged periods of stay (Dykes et al., 2010). Respect, response, direct communication and engaging patient participation with regard to their own are the key elements of patient-centered care (Sherwood Zomorodi, 2014). â€Å"When patients and families are treated as members of the care team, they can become safety allies, thereby preventing errors†(p. 17), contends Sherwood Zomorodi, (2014). Case in point; clinicians are made aware from a patient that the expected care program is not working with their daily routine or by asking aboutShow MoreRelatedOral Health Promotion For Health1508 Words  | 7 PagesOral Health Promotion Healthy People initiatives are compilations of health topics and interventions for healthcare professionals to promote and improve quality of health nationally. These initiatives are science based and expand throughout 10 years. Healthy People 2020 is the current initiative and was initiated in December of 2010. This paper will discuss oral health promotion. 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