Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Irony of William Shakespeares Othello Essay - 1428 Words
The Irony of William Shakespeares Othello Irony plays a great role in ?The Tragedy of Othello?. The villain, Iago, plans from the very beginning of the play to ruin Othello?s life. All the major characters in the play believe that Iago is an honest and trustworthy person. The tragic irony is that Iago fools them all. Throughout the whole play Iago manipulates the people around him and lies to them. Iago is very distressed, because Michael Cassio was promoted to Othello?s lieutenant instead of himself. This is Iago?s main reason for revenge against Othello. Iago?s plan is to manipulate Cassio and Desdemona, so that it would appear that they are having an affair; which would break Othello?s heart. Iago does succeed in his plan,†¦show more content†¦Montano tells Iago that Othello ?prizes the virtue that appears in Cassio and looks not on his evils?(2. 3. 121-122). This means that Othello trusts Cassio and does not doubt him. This is ironic, because later on in the play Othello believes that Cassio is having and affair with Desdemona. Othello begins to doubt in Cassio?s loyalty to him. Another example of situational irony is in Act III Scene III. In this scene Othello is telling Iago that he is not a jealous man: ?Think?st thou I?ld make a life of jealousy? To follow still the changes of the moon with fresh suspicions(3. 3. 177-179). Othello also tells Iago that he trusts Desdemona: ?Nor from mine own weak merits will I draw the smallest fear or doubt of her revolt,(3. 3. 187-188). This is ironic, because later on in the play Othello does doubt Desdemona; Othello does become a jealous man, full of distrust and fear. Here is an example of Othello becoming suspicious of Desdemona; ?This argues fruitfulness and liberal heart. Hot, hot, and moist. This hand of your requires a sequester from liberty, fasting and prayer, much castigation, exercise devout; for here?s a young and sweating devil here that commonly rebels?(3. 4. 34-39). These are a few examples of situational irony in ?The Tragedy of Othel lo?. Verbal irony is when there is a ?contrast between the literal meaning of what is said and what is meant?(Literary Terms, e-text). There are various cases ofShow MoreRelatedDramatic Irony Used for Characterization in Othello by Shakespeare713 Words  | 3 Pages[Michael Caine,] Batman; The Dark Knight). William Shakespeare uses a variety of literary devices throughout his works, but his use of dramatic irony specifically puts his readers at the edge of their seats. Being full of jealousy and betrayal, the plot of Othello is guided by this playwright’s usage of dramatic irony. Through the use of dramatic irony and characterization Shakespeare creates Iago, the most sinister character in all of literature. William Shakespeare, being born on April 23Read MoreTragic Hero in Othelo by William Shakespeare996 Words  | 4 PagesConventions of Othello Shakespeare has been a part of the American Society for many years. Compared to other Authors, he has a different style of writing but within his own writings, they are all very much alike. He has written many plays including Othello and Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare was a man who wrote plays that followed the same literary conventions. These conventions included tragic hero, fallacy, irony, and also suspense. A tragic hero is a male figure who is high in society and one whoRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Othello By William Shakespeare757 Words  | 4 Pages The Tragedy of Othello by William Shakespeare William Shakespeare uses many literary devices to enhance and provide greater complexity in his works. More specifically, the theme, symbolism, and dramatic irony are used to enrich Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Othello. The plot is definitely engaging but the theme allows for an universal human correspondence, furthering the depth of the author’s message. The element of symbolism contributes to the theme of Shakespeare’s tragedy. Symbolism expressesRead MoreTheme Of Monstrous Jealousy In William Shakespeares Othello1271 Words  | 6 PagesWilliam Shakespeare’s â€Å"Othello†, illustrates four of themes in the play. One of the themes is extreme jealousy can make a person act like a monster. In the play, Shakespeare uses Othello, Roderigo, and Iago to prove the theme of Monstrous Jealousy by Othello slapping Desdemona in front of the Public of Venusians calling her cruel names and Developing evil schemes to kill Desdemona at night. Iago tells the lie to Othello about Cassio and Desdemona to and convincing Othello to believe in it. RoderigoRead MoreOedipus The King And The Moor Of Venice1294 Words  | 6 PagesOedipus the King was written by Sophocles in 430 B.C, and Othello, the Moor of Venice was written by William Shakespeare in 1604. Both stories involve tragedies that occur to the protagonists. Tragedy’s definition, â€Å". . . presents courageous individuals who confront powerful forces within or outside themselves with a dignity that reveals the breadth and depth of the human spirit in the face of failure, defeat, and even death†(Meyer 1091). Sophocles’ play informs us, the protagonists arrogances andRead MoreExamples Of Othello As A Revenge Tragedy1022 Words  | 5 Pagesrespectable hero and a moment of peripeteia. The intertwining of jealousy, deception, murder, suicide and scheming in William Shakespeare’s Othello creates a strong base for a classic revenge tragedy. It is also not only Shakespeare’s adherence to these traditional conventions but rather his ability to manipulate and transform them effectively to captivate crowds of differing classes. Shakespeares apt characterisation, employment of conventions and structuring all collectively contribute to make for a thrillingRead MoreIago as an Evil Manipulator in William Shakespeares Othello Essay719 Words  | 3 PagesIago as an Evil Manipulator in William Shakespeares Othello The statement Iago is an evil manipulator in my opinion is true. I see Iago as psychologically astute, deceiving and a misanthrope. His sadistic character hurts everyone in a web of deceit. Iago is Shakespeares most plausible and intriguing villains. The main themes in this play are appearance and reality, love, hate and jealousy. I intend to focus on Iago and see how his character changes and how Read More Lago, The Plotter Essay1284 Words  | 6 PagesOthello is a steadfast leader that the reader finds him or herself wanting to be more like. His experiences are unparalleled and that’s what makes him such a popular leader. He has seen many battles and fought many fights; his stories are legendary among those who revere him. In our day he would be the man every man wants to be like and the man every woman wants, but even those who are revered have enemies. If this were not the case then there would be no means for him to have become so revered.Read More Essay on Appearance vs Reality in Othello and Twelfth Night803 Words  | 4 PagesAppearance versus Reality in Othello and Twelfth Night     Shakespeare cleverly uses the art of disguise, in both his tragedies and his comedies, in order to employ a literary device known as dramatic irony, where the audience members are aware of something (in this case the true identity of characters) that characters in the play are not. This, of course, creates tension in a play and excites the audience; actions take place on the stage, of which the audience knows the import, but charactersRead MoreExploring Iagos Possible Motives in Shakespeares Othello Essay581 Words  | 3 PagesIago is undoubtably the villian in William Shakespeares Othello, however the reason behind his evil deeds are less clear. There are many possibilities as to why Iago betrayed his superior Othello. Was he simply envious of Othellos status or did Iago plot to destroy Othello for his own enjoyment? In act One, scene one we see Iagos conversation with Roderigo about Cassio being promoted ahead of him and how Iago believes that this is because of favourtism. This suggests one of many reasons
Friday, May 15, 2020
Horror and Self-punishment in Sophocles Oedipus Rex
Horror and Self-punishment in Sophocles Oedipus Rex An ancient plate portraying Oedipus listening to the riddle of the Sphinx. Oedipus Rex is a play whose qualities of inscrutability and of pervasive irony quickly come to complicate any critical discussion. It is a play of transformations in which things change before our eyes as we watch; where meanings and implications seem to be half-glimpsed beneath the surface of the text only to vanish as we try to take them in; and where ironical resemblance and reflections abound to confuse our response. The play encourages us to make connections and to draw out implications that in the end we are forced to reassess, to question and perhaps abandon. The plays meaning through two†¦show more content†¦Oedipus: When he who plots against me in the dark Comes swiftly on, I must be swift in turn. If I stay quiet, his ends will have been gained, And mine all missed. Creon: What is it that you want? To expel me from the country? Oedipus: Not at all. Your death I purpose, not your banishment. Creon: Not without shewing, first, what a thing is jealousy! Oedipus: You talk like one who will not yield, nor heed. Creon: Because I see you mean injuriously. Oedipus: Not to myself! Creon: No more you ought to me! Oedipus: You are a traitor! Creon: What if you are no Judge? Oedipus: I must be ruler. Creon: Not if you rule badly. The concentration of attention at this point in the play on the state of Oedipus mind is striking and unusual in Greek tragedy. The moment of discovery, which meant so much to Aristotle, is the moment of supreme emotional shock and apparent revelation; but the revelation is at most a partial apprehension of the truth. The chorus recoil from Oedipus discovery in an instant reassessment of the whole meaning of human life, of human achievement and human existence. They burst out with a cry that reduces the whole sum of human life to nothing, and human achievement to a mocking, momentary apparition, a firework, an arrow that climbs and falls away and meansShow MoreRelatedOedipus The King, Or Oedipus Rex1249 Words  | 5 Pagesthe most famous probably being Sophocles’ Oedipus the King, or Oedipus Rex. For a play to be considered a tragedy, it must have a tragic hero. According to Aristotle’s definition of a tragic hero, they must be a decent moral person, of high social standing who eventually meets with a tragic downfall, of their own doing, suffering more than deserved, and realizing their error too late. In the play Oedipus the King, Oedipus is the epitome of a tragic hero. Oedipus Rex was generally a â€Å"good†person;Read MoreThe Tragic Hero of Oedipus Rex Essay1383 Words  | 6 PagesThe Tragic Hero of Oedipus Rex According to the ancient Greeks and Aristotle the hero is a person who possesses superior qualities of mind and body, and who proves his superiority by doing great deeds of valor, strength, or intellect. In Sophocles Oedipus Rex the main character Oedipus possesses these characteristics of a true hero, which in turn lead to his self-destruction. In the beginning of the play Oedipuss great intellect is made known by the chorus who see him as someone who hasRead MoreThe Stranger in Oedipus Essay1467 Words  | 6 Pagesin novels and literary works alike. Albert Camus’ The Stranger depicts a modern system of justice; however, Sophocles Oedipus Rex portrays a simplistic system of justice. Society implements these to prevent the downfall of the human race. Society protects humanity from its own demise by condemning acts of violence. 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Knox talks of the advantages accruing to Sophocles as a user of myths in his dramas:  The myths he used gave to his plays, without any effort on his part, some of those larger dimensions of authority which the modern dramatist must create out of nothing if his play is to be more than a passing entertainment. The myths had the authority of history, for myth is in one of its aspects the only history of anRead More Mythology in Oedipus Rex Essays3980 Words  | 16 PagesMythology in Oedipus Rex        E. T. Owen in â€Å"Drama in Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrannus†comments on the mythological beginnings of Oedipus Rex:  Professor Goodell says: â€Å"Given an old myth to be dramatized, Sophocles’ primary question was, ‘Just what sort of people were they, must they have been, who naturally did and suffered what the tales say they did and suffered?†That was his method of analysis (38).  The Greek Sophoclean tragedy Oedipus Rex is based on a myth fromRead More Characterization in Oedipus the King Essay2193 Words  | 9 PagesCharacterization in Oedipus Rex           The dialogue, action and motivation revolve about the characters in the story (Abrams 32-33). It is the purpose of this essay to demonstrate the types of characters present in Sophocles’ tragic drama, Oedipus Rex, whether static or dynamic, whether flat or round, and whether protrayed through showing or telling.  Werner Jaeger in â€Å"Sophocles’ Mastery of Character Development†pays the dramatist the very highest compliment with regard to
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Cicero The Statesman And Philosopher - 942 Words
Cicero: The Statesman and Philosopher Cicero was a Roman statesman, lawyer, and philosopher. He did not have a set major belief in a particular philosophy. Cicero studied under an epicurean, a stoic, and an academic. He did call himself an academic however, his theory of knowledge was based on probability over stating certainty. He preferred it this way to help justify any contradictions in any of his works. â€Å"He usually writes as a theist, but the only religious exaltation in his writings is to be found in the â€Å"Somnium Scipionis†(â€Å"Scipio’s Dream†) at the end of De republica.†(Dacre Balsdon). Cicero would call himself agnostic and his theist writing could have stemmed from the teaching of Epicureanism. I agree with the idea of basing your theory of knowledge on probability because not everyone is 100 percent correct 100 percent of the time. Most people would consider Cicero one of Rome s greatest public speakers. Marcus Tullius Cicero was born in 106 BCE in Arpinium, Italy. Not much is really known about Cicero s heritage, for example, his mother however, â€Å"his father was a well-to-do and well-read member of the semi-noble equestrian (or knight) class with good connections in Rome, although with no familial ties to the Roman patrician or senatorial class.†(Mastin). After serving in the military, Cicero started defending people in Rome s courts. He likes the Roman Republic and used philosophy to tell the Roman people his political views and to help argue for them to beShow MoreRelatedEssay on Cicero718 Words  | 3 PagesCicero Born Marcus Tullius Cicero in Arpinum (Italy) in 106 BC, he became a writer, statesman, orator and philosopher. He loved politics and he wrote only when he could not participate in government. He had a motto which he constantly strived for: to always be the best and over top the rest. Cicero had a high political career in Rome for that time as winning elections were almost always exclusively controlled by a group of wealthy aristocratic families. Cicero’s family was not one of themRead MoreCicero s Life Project Paper About Cicero1390 Words  | 6 PagesLives Project Paper About Cicero Cicero was born in 106 BC. His mother was from a good family, and his father was just a member of the equestrian order. However, this had not changed the destiny of Cicero of being a very successful and famous poet, lawyer, orator, philosopher, and politician in the future. Cicero started to show his intelligence and talent since his school age. He was a quick and broad learner who was regarded by Plato as the one who was â€Å"fitted for scholarship and the pursuit ofRead MoreIs Cicero A Roman Orator?996 Words  | 4 PagesCicero was a Roman orator, statesman, lawyer, philosopher, political theorist, poet and much more. He wrote some works reflecting the personal feeling of an emotional and sensitive man. He wanted to understand if what is right and what is advantageous can ever conflict. He concluded that such confronts can only be apparent, never real, and this gives him occasion to reassert the supremacy of moral considerations over all others. His main idea is to address t he confusion of what we value and theRead More Roman and Greek Philosophys Influence on Todays Western Culture780 Words  | 4 Pages Advances in Art, science and politics were made in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea. Greek philosophers were among the first in the West to explore nature in a rational way and to make educated guesses about the creation of the world and the universe. This is why Greece is often referred to as the birthplace of Western culture. The ancient Greeks viewed the world in a way that one would today perhaps describe as holistic. Science, philosophy, art and politics were interwoven and combinedRead MoreThe Innocence Of Sextus Roscius Of Ameria Essay1762 Words  | 8 PagesThe general purpose of this study is to examine the method, style, techniques or devices etc. employed by Cicero in convincing his audience of the innocence of Sextus Roscius of Ameria. Generally, studying rhetoric introduces us to some of the most influential thinkers of Western culture. Knowledge of rhetoric helps us to understand our world because every human being practices rhetoric and comes under its influence. This is because every day, we use words to shape attitudes and encourage peopleRead MoreEssay about St. Augustine916 Words  | 4 Pagesextremely difficult to come with a conclusion when it was staring at him straight in the face, but just as he did, we draw up our own conclusions with the guidance of others. Saint Augustine, born Aurelis Augustinus, was an influential and great philosopher and theologian of early times. He was considered the most important of the Latin Church Fathers. His writings of sermons gained fame, notably Confessions and his Treatise City of God. Through his work he helped distinguish the church in WesternRead MoreEssay about Major Depression Disorder794 Words  | 4 Pagesthought that melancholia was caused by too much black bile in the spleen. He used bloodletting (a supposedly therapeutic technique which removed blood from the body), bathing, exercise, and dieting to treat the depression. The famous Roman philosopher and statesman Cicero argued that melancholia was caused by violent rage, fear and grief; a mental explanation rather than a physical one. Hippocrates characterizes melancholia as fears and despondencies. There are early records of depression reported aroundRead MoreSir Thomas More s Utopia And Niccolo Machiavelli s The Prince1454 Words  | 6 Pagesmovement that accompanied the passage of Europe from the Middle Ages to modern times. Niccolo Machiavelli was an Italian civic humanist, historian, diplomat, philosopher, politician, and writer during the Renaissance. He applied the values of the Renaissance to his political treatise, The Prince. Sir Thomas was an English lawyer, philosopher, statesman, and humanist during the Renaissance. He employed the ideals of the Renaissance to his Latin dialogue, Utopia. Both The Prince and Utopia reflect the idealsRead MoreA Critique of Natural Law Essay2522 Words  | 11 Pagesand legal positivism. Plato and Aristotle proved to be of great importance in natural-law thinking from 5th century Greece until the present day. Plato had an idealist view of justice as a kind of absolute which can be understood only by the philosopher and fully realized in an ideal state. Aristotle regarded natural justice as universal, yet ideal. Stoic philosophy, which evolved after Aristotle, plays a great role in the history of natural law. Its emphasis was on reason as the key elementRead MoreThe Roman Empire Essay2154 Words  | 9 Pageslaws. These laws were just a scam in order to get money from wealthy women in order to pay for the war. Marcus Tullius Cicero was an orator, lawyer, politician, and philosopher. Marcus Tullius Cicero had many political and social values that were essential to leading a good life on earth and gaining eternal life in the hereafter or so he believed. As has been said, Cicero subordinated philosophy to politics, so it should not surprise us to discover that his philosophy had a political purpose:
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
McDonald Service Analysis-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignment
Question: Discuss about the McDonald Service Anaysis. Answer: McDonald service analysis McDonald is a known brand in different parts of the world. The company operates in the QSR (Quick Service Restaurant) industry and it has number of outlets in Australia. McDonald has to ensure that its customers get the same experience across any of the stores. The organization ensures this thing through product and service standardization. Over the time, the management of McDonald has realized that it is easy to do product standardization. However, it is difficult to do service standardization. The management has to focus on various front stages and back stages operation for service standardization (Harris, 2009). The overall customer experience would depend on the way McDonald can manage its internal and external operations. It is imperative for McDonald to have standardized back stage and front stage operations across its stores. For example, the company cannot afford to have different front stage process in Sydney stores and Melbourne stores. It would result in a bad customer exp erience. The flowchart of the back-stage operations of McDonald can be shown as: Flowchart: Back Stage operations of McDonald The front operations of McDonald are more people dependent. Therefore, it is important that the company must invest on the training of people. The flowchart of the front-end operations of McDonald restaurant can be shown as: Flowchart: Front Stage operations of McDonald Significance of Service Encounter The above diagram shows the front stage operations of McDonald are complex in nature. There is a dependency on number of people encounter. Therefore, it would be correct to say that the service encounter is the key for McDonald to ensure service standardization. The definition of a service encounter is broad and includes a customer's interaction with customer-contact employees, machines, automated systems, physical facilities, and any other service provider visible element (Helgesen, 2008). It would be correct to say that the absolute customer satisfaction would come only when McDonald is able to improve the service encounter between its employees and its customers. In turn, the service encounter can be improved only when the touch points are improved. The above diagram shows that there are multiple touch points of service encounter for McDonald. The organization must take measures to improve the service encounter with consumers. The key steps of methods that McDonald can take to imp rove the service encounter can be listed as: Invest on training and development of people: Helgesen (2008) argued that the quality or customer experience in service industry depends a lot on the type of people that organizations can get. The organizations can ensure the service quality through adequate training and development programs. It is recommended that that McDonald should have a allotted budget for its training and development programs across Australia. Kwortnik (2009) suggested that generally organizations should have 1% to 2% of revenue as their training budget. The training and development plan should be developed and implement for employees and staff at different levels. With respect to McDonald, the training should be developed for senior management, mid level management and wait staff. Process standardization: Lusch (2008) argued that organizations could improve service encounter through process standardization. McDonald has taken various steps to improve process standardization. For example, organizations uses a full fledge ERP system so that its processes are standardized. Various processes of the organization like vendor management, procurement, and inventory management are interlinked through ERP system. Benchmarking: It is important to mention that benchmarking is also an important tool that could be used to improve the service encounter. Kwortnik (2009) suggests that the approach of benchmarking is particularly useful when the organizations want to adopt the best in industry fundamentals. With this approach, McDonald can learn from the service delivery mechanism of other players in the industry. Taking feedback into consideration: Lusch (2008) highlighted that customer feedback is one of the most effective method to improve service encounter. As a part of feedback process, McDonald should try to understand the pain point of customers. The strategy to tackle the service encounter should depend on the pain point of customers. The entire idea of improvement in service encounter is that the management of McDonald should understand that its employees are the first line of customers. The wait staff may appear as a low level employee. However, he or she is the one who eventually deals with employees. Therefore, it is imperative that McDonald should have a common code of conduct that should be used to manage its different stores. Managerial Implications I personally believe that organizations in service sector must focus to improve the service quality. There could be serious managerial implications if the service quality is not up to mark. It is important that the management of McDonald must keep continuous watch over its service offerings. The first thing for McDonald would be to plan a budget for its service improvement plans. It is recommended that the management should develop a group or formulate a committee that would initially assess the current quality of service offerings from McDonald. The management can use the Service Gap model. The gap model (also known as the "5 gaps model") of service quality is an important customer-satisfaction framework (Lancastre, 2008). It is important that the management should have a close watch over all the five gaps. The supply chain analysis of McDonald suggests that the company has a vast eco-system. The suppliers of McDonald are spread across Australia and in fact across the globe. Therefo re, any compromise in any of the service gap can affect the operations of McDonald badly (Voima, 2013). If any of these gaps do not support the organizations strategy and purpose, it needs to be addressed. The knowledge of the service encounter has some important implications for managers. It is important that the managers of McDonald should realize the importance of service encounters and the impact of service encounters on customer loyalty and customer satisfaction. It is recommended that the management of McDonald should take a top-down approach to inculcate the knowledge to mid level management. The senior leadership can arrange various learning sessions where the seniors can pass on the importance and criticality of service encounters to executives. It is important that the focus on service quality should be established as a culture within the organization. Employees at different levels should equally practice the culture. Another option for McDonald is to take the services of external consultants to provide training to employees. In this era of Internet, McDonald can also utilize the power of social media. The management can have online training modules. In fact, there should be training plans that can be made mandatory for employees (Bechkoff, 2009). The bottom line is that all the executives of McDonald should have a 360-degree view of the service encounters and service relationship marketing. The long term planning of service relationship marketing would help McDonald to improve its relationship with customers and in long term it would help McDonald to improve customer retention (Preston, 2013). The customers should be treated as advocate of McDonald so that customer can also market the offerings of the company. References Baron, S., Harris, K., Hilton, T. (2009).Services marketing: text and cases. Palgrave Macmillan. Broady-Preston, J. (2013). Changing Marketing Concepts: Contemporary Theories and Paradigms in Services Marketing.Marketing Library and Information Services II: A Global Outlook,159, 23. Gronroos, C., Voima, P. (2013). Critical service logic: making sense of value creation and co-creation.Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,41(2), 133-150. Helgesen, O. (2008). Marketing for higher education: A relationship marketing approach.Journal of Marketing for Higher Education,18(1), 50-78. Kwortnik, R. J., Thompson, G. M. (2009). Unifying service marketing and operations with service experience management.Journal of Service Research,11(4), 389-406. Lages, L. F., Lancastre, A., Lages, C. (2008). The B2B-RELPERF scale and scorecard: Bringing relationship marketing theory into business-to-business practice.Industrial Marketing Management,37(6), 686-697. Palmatier, R. W., Jarvis, C. B., Bechkoff, J. R., Kardes, F. R. (2009). The role of customer gratitude in relationship marketing.Journal of marketing,73(5), 1-18. Vargo, S. L., Lusch, R. F. (2008). From goods to service (s): Divergences and convergences of logics.Industrial Marketing Management,37(3), 254-259.
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