Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Irony of William Shakespeares Othello Essay - 1428 Words
The Irony of William Shakespeares Othello Irony plays a great role in ?The Tragedy of Othello?. The villain, Iago, plans from the very beginning of the play to ruin Othello?s life. All the major characters in the play believe that Iago is an honest and trustworthy person. The tragic irony is that Iago fools them all. Throughout the whole play Iago manipulates the people around him and lies to them. Iago is very distressed, because Michael Cassio was promoted to Othello?s lieutenant instead of himself. This is Iago?s main reason for revenge against Othello. Iago?s plan is to manipulate Cassio and Desdemona, so that it would appear that they are having an affair; which would break Othello?s heart. Iago does succeed in his plan,†¦show more content†¦Montano tells Iago that Othello ?prizes the virtue that appears in Cassio and looks not on his evils?(2. 3. 121-122). This means that Othello trusts Cassio and does not doubt him. This is ironic, because later on in the play Othello believes that Cassio is having and affair with Desdemona. Othello begins to doubt in Cassio?s loyalty to him. Another example of situational irony is in Act III Scene III. In this scene Othello is telling Iago that he is not a jealous man: ?Think?st thou I?ld make a life of jealousy? To follow still the changes of the moon with fresh suspicions(3. 3. 177-179). Othello also tells Iago that he trusts Desdemona: ?Nor from mine own weak merits will I draw the smallest fear or doubt of her revolt,(3. 3. 187-188). This is ironic, because later on in the play Othello does doubt Desdemona; Othello does become a jealous man, full of distrust and fear. Here is an example of Othello becoming suspicious of Desdemona; ?This argues fruitfulness and liberal heart. Hot, hot, and moist. This hand of your requires a sequester from liberty, fasting and prayer, much castigation, exercise devout; for here?s a young and sweating devil here that commonly rebels?(3. 4. 34-39). These are a few examples of situational irony in ?The Tragedy of Othel lo?. Verbal irony is when there is a ?contrast between the literal meaning of what is said and what is meant?(Literary Terms, e-text). There are various cases ofShow MoreRelatedDramatic Irony Used for Characterization in Othello by Shakespeare713 Words  | 3 Pages[Michael Caine,] Batman; The Dark Knight). William Shakespeare uses a variety of literary devices throughout his works, but his use of dramatic irony specifically puts his readers at the edge of their seats. Being full of jealousy and betrayal, the plot of Othello is guided by this playwright’s usage of dramatic irony. Through the use of dramatic irony and characterization Shakespeare creates Iago, the most sinister character in all of literature. 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