Thursday, August 27, 2020
Online Recipe and Meal Planner Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7000 words
Online Recipe and Meal Planner - Essay Example This information is helpful for individuals who are on a tight eating routine and need to control the calories they get. The director or head is the individual who controls the substance of the site by including/altering and evacuating the data. The head likewise keeps control of different parts of a site like facilitating, databases and specialized help. The framework is a web application and utilizations web server advancements. In incorporates a database (MS Access 2007) that stores the dinner formula, fixing and costs and a web interface ( and C#) that communicates with the database. The last framework should be transferred on a genuine server anyway in the turn of events and testing process it tends to be actualized on a nearby machine and utilizing a virtual web server made by an improvement device like Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. When the turn of events and testing has been fruitful, it tends to be transferred on a real server for all the web clients to utilize. The structure of database must be planned in a manner to consent to issues like information honesty. So the principle center must be around the social database and standardization. Ensuring that the question, supplement, refresh and erase orders work effectively, in any case that could prompt lost information honesty. The dependability of this framework will be accomplished when all the tables in the social database are of Third Normal Form (3NF). The explanation is that most 3NF tables in social databases are liberated from inclusion, erasure and update abnormalities. There are a wide range of programming advancement strategies utilized/utilized when programming is being created.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Bachelor of Business for Reflective Learning - MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Examine about theBachelor of Business for Reflective Learning. Answer: Chosen Incident Glancing back at that point, I recall an episode that I could have taken care of all the more successfully. Like everybody, I have an alternate character and approach towards dealing with things. There was an episode where I was dealing with a group in my association and I wound up being impolite to my colleagues while evaluating their exhibition. Despite their sentiments or troublesome circumstances, having a clear character, I talked whatever was at the forefront of my thoughts and condemned as the outcomes got were insufficient. I was discontent with the general execution of the group as there was less commitment among colleagues prompting poor coordination, less than ideal conveyance and low quality result. Because of such inconsiderate conduct, the colleagues are not ready to converse with me appropriately. Likewise, the colleagues dispose of me from bunch conversations and don't think of me as a decent pioneer. This is tricky as I would lean toward being given another opportuni ty to upgrade my comprehension and managing various circumstances. (Joseph et al. 2015). Investigation For evaluating the presentation, the exhibition audit or execution examination as directed to survey work execution and profitability. The presentation audit is planned to be a reasonable and adjusted evaluation of a workers execution. As for the authoritative destinations, the exhibition of colleagues was evaluated. The motivation behind worker evaluation is to upgrade representative execution to meet the hierarchical objectives. Regardless of whether the representatives can adhere to cutoff times and give great quality work, the presentation of representatives is evaluated (Stack 2013). Applying the idea of enthusiastic insight, the individuals with high passionate knowledge are increasingly effective in their lives. Enthusiastic knowledge can be characterized as the capacity to perceive feelings and comprehend the individuals around. The idea of passionate knowledge can be utilized to create mindfulness, self-guideline, sympathy, social abilities and inspiration. It very well may be examined that I ought to have been compassionate towards my colleagues instead of condemning their exhibition (Druskat, Mount and Sala 2013). Improvement Planning Passionate knowledge can be improved by focusing on the feelings of individuals around you. The passionate triggers and getting progressively delicate to the circumstances may help improve enthusiastic knowledge. I likewise need to improve non-verbal correspondence and become touchy of different as non-verbal communication is an integral asset. In any case, it is contended that through passionate knowledge, I may get manipulative of my colleagues. On the off chance that enthusiastic knowledge isn't utilized effectively, it might wind up harming the organization as I may improve control and get others to would what I like to. I have to improve my social abilities as we can't abstain from being around others. While auditing the exhibition of the colleagues, I should be sympathetic. I will have extraordinary listening abilities and quietly listen why the colleagues neglected to accomplish elevated level execution. In the event that the reasons are justifiable, I should listen persistent ly and persuade them to perform better whenever (Venkataramani, Richter and Clarke 2013). References Druskat, V., Mount, G. furthermore, Sala, F., 2013.Linking Emotional Intelligence and Performance at Work. first ed. Hove: Psychology Press. Joseph, D., Jin, J., Newman, D. furthermore, O'Boyle, E., 2015. For what reason does self-detailed enthusiastic insight foresee work execution? A meta-scientific examination of blended EI.Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(2), pp.298-342. Stack, L., 2013.Managing worker execution. first ed. Good countries Ranch, CO: Productivity Pro. Venkataramani, V., Richter, A. furthermore, Clarke, R., 2013. Moving the Upper Echelon for Employee Creativity: The Role of Team Leaders' Social Network Ties.Academy of Management Proceedings, 2013(1), pp.16899-16899.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Napoleon Essays (1135 words) - Russia, French Emperors,
Napoleon The Campaign of 1812 ought to have been an another campaign for Napoleon, in any case, he currently confronted 2 new strategies that he had never confronted, the serious Russian winter and the infamous singed earth approach. On June 23, 1812 Napoleon's Grande Armee, more than 500,000 men solid, poured over the Russian outskirt. An equivalent measure of Russian powers anticipated them. The aftereffect of the battle was a shock. Two creators, General carl von Clausewitz and Brett James, appear likenesses in reasons why Napoleon had lost this battle to Russia. Napoleon accepted that after a couple of speedy triumphant fights, he could persuade Alexander to come back to the Continental System. He additionally concluded that on the off chance that he involved Moscow, the Russian government would fold and request harmony. A solitary blow conveyed at the core of the Russian Empire, at Moscow the Great, at Moscow the Holy, will quickly put this entire visually impaired, unconcerned mass at my kindness. pg 6, 1812 Napoleon's Defeat in Russia This was his conviction he communicated in March 1812. Be that as it may, when Napoleon in the end took over Moscow, the Tsar despite everything didn't give up. Napoleon, sent a message to the Tsar, requesting a prompt acquiescence. Be that as it may, the Tsar could not give up in such a case that he did, he would be killed by the nobles. Clausewitz answers by saying, Napoleon couldn't get a handle on the way that Alexander would not, couldn't arrange. The Tsar knew well that he would be arranged and killed on the off chance that he attempted so. pg 256, The Campaign of 1812 in Russia General Clausewitz stated, Napoleon accepted on the off chance that he vanquished the Russian Army and involved Moscow, the Russian administration will self-destruct and the legislature would call for harmony. pg 253, The Campaign of 1812 in Russia Brett James likewise concurred that Napoleon's occupation had no outcome. The control of Napoleon in Moscow didn't have an impact on the administration. pg 13, 1812 Napoleon's Defeat in Russia With his fight plan set, Napoleon arranged his soldiers for the assault on Russia. Be that as it may, Napoleon didn't consider the savage Russian winter which anticipated him. As indicated by Ludwig Wilhelm Gottlob Schlosser, a passerby, he portrayed the military by saying, The French, down to the lowliest drummer were exacting. These poor French villains were not happy with not as much as soup, meat and vegetables, broil, what's more, serving of mixed greens for their early afternoon feast, and there was no indication of their popular thriftiness. They were totally without the coming winter. pg 13, 1812 Napoleon's Thrashing in Russia Napoleon was even cautioned by General Rapp about the limits of the approaching winter in Russia. The locals state we will have an extreme winter, Napoleon answered contemptuously, Bah! You and your locals! We will perceive how fine it is. pg 147, 1812 Napoleon's Defeat in Russia Napoleon ought to have paid attention to Rapp's words. As the Grand Armee walked toward Moscow, numerous ponies and men were lost in the freezing day off, for the individuals who remained, their assurance and viability was at the nadir. General Clausewitz expresses his point by saying, With more safeguard and better guidelines as to resource, with increasingly cautious thought of his walks, which would have forestalled the pointless and tremendous aggregation of masses on indeed the very same street, he would have protected his military in a more compelling condition. pg 255, The Campaign of 1812 in Russia Brett James likewise had a similar assessment, Napoleon seemed to have made no exertion to find the realities in Russia, or set up his soldiers for it. pg 140, 1812 Napoleon's Defeat in Russia As Napoleon and his military was advancing toward Moscow, they experienced typhus, colds, and looseness of the bowels. Indeed, even the powerful Napoleon had gotten a mellow instance of this season's flu virus. Be that as it may, his warriors had gotten the brunt of the assault. Chief Thomas-Joesph Aubry remembers this difficulty, After this the typhus made horrifying advances in our positions. We were fourty-three officials in our ward. All of them kicked the bucket, in a steady progression, and insane from this horrible ailment, the majority of them singing, some in Latin, others in German, others again in Italian - and singing songs, canticles, or the mass. pg 210, 1812 Napoleon's Defeat in Russia General Clausewitz composed, The awful water and the
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Irony of William Shakespeares Othello Essay - 1428 Words
The Irony of William Shakespeares Othello Irony plays a great role in ?The Tragedy of Othello?. The villain, Iago, plans from the very beginning of the play to ruin Othello?s life. All the major characters in the play believe that Iago is an honest and trustworthy person. The tragic irony is that Iago fools them all. Throughout the whole play Iago manipulates the people around him and lies to them. Iago is very distressed, because Michael Cassio was promoted to Othello?s lieutenant instead of himself. This is Iago?s main reason for revenge against Othello. Iago?s plan is to manipulate Cassio and Desdemona, so that it would appear that they are having an affair; which would break Othello?s heart. Iago does succeed in his plan,†¦show more content†¦Montano tells Iago that Othello ?prizes the virtue that appears in Cassio and looks not on his evils?(2. 3. 121-122). This means that Othello trusts Cassio and does not doubt him. This is ironic, because later on in the play Othello believes that Cassio is having and affair with Desdemona. Othello begins to doubt in Cassio?s loyalty to him. Another example of situational irony is in Act III Scene III. In this scene Othello is telling Iago that he is not a jealous man: ?Think?st thou I?ld make a life of jealousy? To follow still the changes of the moon with fresh suspicions(3. 3. 177-179). Othello also tells Iago that he trusts Desdemona: ?Nor from mine own weak merits will I draw the smallest fear or doubt of her revolt,(3. 3. 187-188). This is ironic, because later on in the play Othello does doubt Desdemona; Othello does become a jealous man, full of distrust and fear. Here is an example of Othello becoming suspicious of Desdemona; ?This argues fruitfulness and liberal heart. Hot, hot, and moist. This hand of your requires a sequester from liberty, fasting and prayer, much castigation, exercise devout; for here?s a young and sweating devil here that commonly rebels?(3. 4. 34-39). These are a few examples of situational irony in ?The Tragedy of Othel lo?. Verbal irony is when there is a ?contrast between the literal meaning of what is said and what is meant?(Literary Terms, e-text). There are various cases ofShow MoreRelatedDramatic Irony Used for Characterization in Othello by Shakespeare713 Words  | 3 Pages[Michael Caine,] Batman; The Dark Knight). William Shakespeare uses a variety of literary devices throughout his works, but his use of dramatic irony specifically puts his readers at the edge of their seats. Being full of jealousy and betrayal, the plot of Othello is guided by this playwright’s usage of dramatic irony. Through the use of dramatic irony and characterization Shakespeare creates Iago, the most sinister character in all of literature. William Shakespeare, being born on April 23Read MoreTragic Hero in Othelo by William Shakespeare996 Words  | 4 PagesConventions of Othello Shakespeare has been a part of the American Society for many years. Compared to other Authors, he has a different style of writing but within his own writings, they are all very much alike. He has written many plays including Othello and Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare was a man who wrote plays that followed the same literary conventions. These conventions included tragic hero, fallacy, irony, and also suspense. A tragic hero is a male figure who is high in society and one whoRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Othello By William Shakespeare757 Words  | 4 Pages The Tragedy of Othello by William Shakespeare William Shakespeare uses many literary devices to enhance and provide greater complexity in his works. More specifically, the theme, symbolism, and dramatic irony are used to enrich Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Othello. The plot is definitely engaging but the theme allows for an universal human correspondence, furthering the depth of the author’s message. The element of symbolism contributes to the theme of Shakespeare’s tragedy. Symbolism expressesRead MoreTheme Of Monstrous Jealousy In William Shakespeares Othello1271 Words  | 6 PagesWilliam Shakespeare’s â€Å"Othello†, illustrates four of themes in the play. One of the themes is extreme jealousy can make a person act like a monster. In the play, Shakespeare uses Othello, Roderigo, and Iago to prove the theme of Monstrous Jealousy by Othello slapping Desdemona in front of the Public of Venusians calling her cruel names and Developing evil schemes to kill Desdemona at night. Iago tells the lie to Othello about Cassio and Desdemona to and convincing Othello to believe in it. RoderigoRead MoreOedipus The King And The Moor Of Venice1294 Words  | 6 PagesOedipus the King was written by Sophocles in 430 B.C, and Othello, the Moor of Venice was written by William Shakespeare in 1604. Both stories involve tragedies that occur to the protagonists. Tragedy’s definition, â€Å". . . presents courageous individuals who confront powerful forces within or outside themselves with a dignity that reveals the breadth and depth of the human spirit in the face of failure, defeat, and even death†(Meyer 1091). Sophocles’ play informs us, the protagonists arrogances andRead MoreExamples Of Othello As A Revenge Tragedy1022 Words  | 5 Pagesrespectable hero and a moment of peripeteia. The intertwining of jealousy, deception, murder, suicide and scheming in William Shakespeare’s Othello creates a strong base for a classic revenge tragedy. It is also not only Shakespeare’s adherence to these traditional conventions but rather his ability to manipulate and transform them effectively to captivate crowds of differing classes. Shakespeares apt characterisation, employment of conventions and structuring all collectively contribute to make for a thrillingRead MoreIago as an Evil Manipulator in William Shakespeares Othello Essay719 Words  | 3 PagesIago as an Evil Manipulator in William Shakespeares Othello The statement Iago is an evil manipulator in my opinion is true. I see Iago as psychologically astute, deceiving and a misanthrope. His sadistic character hurts everyone in a web of deceit. Iago is Shakespeares most plausible and intriguing villains. The main themes in this play are appearance and reality, love, hate and jealousy. I intend to focus on Iago and see how his character changes and how Read More Lago, The Plotter Essay1284 Words  | 6 PagesOthello is a steadfast leader that the reader finds him or herself wanting to be more like. His experiences are unparalleled and that’s what makes him such a popular leader. He has seen many battles and fought many fights; his stories are legendary among those who revere him. In our day he would be the man every man wants to be like and the man every woman wants, but even those who are revered have enemies. If this were not the case then there would be no means for him to have become so revered.Read More Essay on Appearance vs Reality in Othello and Twelfth Night803 Words  | 4 PagesAppearance versus Reality in Othello and Twelfth Night     Shakespeare cleverly uses the art of disguise, in both his tragedies and his comedies, in order to employ a literary device known as dramatic irony, where the audience members are aware of something (in this case the true identity of characters) that characters in the play are not. This, of course, creates tension in a play and excites the audience; actions take place on the stage, of which the audience knows the import, but charactersRead MoreExploring Iagos Possible Motives in Shakespeares Othello Essay581 Words  | 3 PagesIago is undoubtably the villian in William Shakespeares Othello, however the reason behind his evil deeds are less clear. There are many possibilities as to why Iago betrayed his superior Othello. Was he simply envious of Othellos status or did Iago plot to destroy Othello for his own enjoyment? In act One, scene one we see Iagos conversation with Roderigo about Cassio being promoted ahead of him and how Iago believes that this is because of favourtism. This suggests one of many reasons
Friday, May 15, 2020
Horror and Self-punishment in Sophocles Oedipus Rex
Horror and Self-punishment in Sophocles Oedipus Rex An ancient plate portraying Oedipus listening to the riddle of the Sphinx. Oedipus Rex is a play whose qualities of inscrutability and of pervasive irony quickly come to complicate any critical discussion. It is a play of transformations in which things change before our eyes as we watch; where meanings and implications seem to be half-glimpsed beneath the surface of the text only to vanish as we try to take them in; and where ironical resemblance and reflections abound to confuse our response. The play encourages us to make connections and to draw out implications that in the end we are forced to reassess, to question and perhaps abandon. The plays meaning through two†¦show more content†¦Oedipus: When he who plots against me in the dark Comes swiftly on, I must be swift in turn. If I stay quiet, his ends will have been gained, And mine all missed. Creon: What is it that you want? To expel me from the country? Oedipus: Not at all. Your death I purpose, not your banishment. Creon: Not without shewing, first, what a thing is jealousy! Oedipus: You talk like one who will not yield, nor heed. Creon: Because I see you mean injuriously. Oedipus: Not to myself! Creon: No more you ought to me! Oedipus: You are a traitor! Creon: What if you are no Judge? Oedipus: I must be ruler. Creon: Not if you rule badly. The concentration of attention at this point in the play on the state of Oedipus mind is striking and unusual in Greek tragedy. The moment of discovery, which meant so much to Aristotle, is the moment of supreme emotional shock and apparent revelation; but the revelation is at most a partial apprehension of the truth. The chorus recoil from Oedipus discovery in an instant reassessment of the whole meaning of human life, of human achievement and human existence. They burst out with a cry that reduces the whole sum of human life to nothing, and human achievement to a mocking, momentary apparition, a firework, an arrow that climbs and falls away and meansShow MoreRelatedOedipus The King, Or Oedipus Rex1249 Words  | 5 Pagesthe most famous probably being Sophocles’ Oedipus the King, or Oedipus Rex. For a play to be considered a tragedy, it must have a tragic hero. According to Aristotle’s definition of a tragic hero, they must be a decent moral person, of high social standing who eventually meets with a tragic downfall, of their own doing, suffering more than deserved, and realizing their error too late. In the play Oedipus the King, Oedipus is the epitome of a tragic hero. Oedipus Rex was generally a â€Å"good†person;Read MoreThe Tragic Hero of Oedipus Rex Essay1383 Words  | 6 PagesThe Tragic Hero of Oedipus Rex According to the ancient Greeks and Aristotle the hero is a person who possesses superior qualities of mind and body, and who proves his superiority by doing great deeds of valor, strength, or intellect. In Sophocles Oedipus Rex the main character Oedipus possesses these characteristics of a true hero, which in turn lead to his self-destruction. In the beginning of the play Oedipuss great intellect is made known by the chorus who see him as someone who hasRead MoreThe Stranger in Oedipus Essay1467 Words  | 6 Pagesin novels and literary works alike. Albert Camus’ The Stranger depicts a modern system of justice; however, Sophocles Oedipus Rex portrays a simplistic system of justice. Society implements these to prevent the downfall of the human race. Society protects humanity from its own demise by condemning acts of violence. Acts of violence, weather brought on by anger as illustrated in Oedipus Rex or by environmental influences as demonstrated in The Stranger led to the downfall of society. Society sinceRead MoreEssay on Creon as the Tragic Hero in Sophocles Antigone1326 Words  | 6 PagesCreon as the Tragic Hero in Antigone   This essay will compare two of the characters in â€Å"Antigone†, Antigone and Creon, in an effort to determine the identity of the tragic hero in this tale.            To identify the tragic hero in Sophocles’ renowned play â€Å"Antigone†, we should first consider both the elements present in Greek tragedies and what characteristics define a tragic hero. Aristotle’s definition of tragedy is: â€Å"Tragedy is a story taking the hero from happiness to misery becauseRead MoreFate Vs Chance : Oedipus Rex952 Words  | 4 Pagesnegatively impact them, raises a concern As a class, we first analyzed Sophocles â€Å"Oedipus Rex,†where the reader almost instantly comes towards a realization that Oedipus fate is heavily determined by the previous sins he had committed. A second factor to consider in how Oedipus fate is determined, is the way in which how he manipulates others with his power. As the play progresses, it becomes evident to the reader that Oedipus is a self-absorbed ruler who believes is superior to the Gods. The secondRead MoreFate And Free Will In Oedipus Rex1577 Words  | 7 Pagesplays. Oedipus Rex written by Sophocles survived through the years with such universal questions provoked by the plot. Fate and free will were driving forces woven throughout the play and considerably difficult to distinguish for both characters and the audience. Fate was considered an all powerful force by the individuals in the play. Oedipus challenged the power of fate in favor of his free will seen through his rash decisions, hubris, and choice to live in ignorance. The fate of Oedipus was createdRead MoreOedipus the King1164 Words  | 5 Pagesmen of high reputation and good fortune such as Oedipus.†This attitude, commonly found in men of high station is not specifically identified as pride in the case of Oedipus and, indeed, different readings can place Oedipus’ great flaw in a number of areas. It seems as if Sophocles intended to emphasize the more common interpretation of Oedipus’ flaw being excessive pride, but other interpre tations, such as Pier Paolo Pasolini’s 1967 film Oedipus Rex, present other possibilities as the main characterRead More Mythology in Oedipus Rex Essay examples4094 Words  | 17 PagesMythology in Oedipus Rex              In â€Å"The Oedipus Legend†Bernard M. W. Knox talks of the advantages accruing to Sophocles as a user of myths in his dramas:  The myths he used gave to his plays, without any effort on his part, some of those larger dimensions of authority which the modern dramatist must create out of nothing if his play is to be more than a passing entertainment. The myths had the authority of history, for myth is in one of its aspects the only history of anRead More Mythology in Oedipus Rex Essays3980 Words  | 16 PagesMythology in Oedipus Rex        E. T. Owen in â€Å"Drama in Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrannus†comments on the mythological beginnings of Oedipus Rex:  Professor Goodell says: â€Å"Given an old myth to be dramatized, Sophocles’ primary question was, ‘Just what sort of people were they, must they have been, who naturally did and suffered what the tales say they did and suffered?†That was his method of analysis (38).  The Greek Sophoclean tragedy Oedipus Rex is based on a myth fromRead More Characterization in Oedipus the King Essay2193 Words  | 9 PagesCharacterization in Oedipus Rex           The dialogue, action and motivation revolve about the characters in the story (Abrams 32-33). It is the purpose of this essay to demonstrate the types of characters present in Sophocles’ tragic drama, Oedipus Rex, whether static or dynamic, whether flat or round, and whether protrayed through showing or telling.  Werner Jaeger in â€Å"Sophocles’ Mastery of Character Development†pays the dramatist the very highest compliment with regard to
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Cicero The Statesman And Philosopher - 942 Words
Cicero: The Statesman and Philosopher Cicero was a Roman statesman, lawyer, and philosopher. He did not have a set major belief in a particular philosophy. Cicero studied under an epicurean, a stoic, and an academic. He did call himself an academic however, his theory of knowledge was based on probability over stating certainty. He preferred it this way to help justify any contradictions in any of his works. â€Å"He usually writes as a theist, but the only religious exaltation in his writings is to be found in the â€Å"Somnium Scipionis†(â€Å"Scipio’s Dream†) at the end of De republica.†(Dacre Balsdon). Cicero would call himself agnostic and his theist writing could have stemmed from the teaching of Epicureanism. I agree with the idea of basing your theory of knowledge on probability because not everyone is 100 percent correct 100 percent of the time. Most people would consider Cicero one of Rome s greatest public speakers. Marcus Tullius Cicero was born in 106 BCE in Arpinium, Italy. Not much is really known about Cicero s heritage, for example, his mother however, â€Å"his father was a well-to-do and well-read member of the semi-noble equestrian (or knight) class with good connections in Rome, although with no familial ties to the Roman patrician or senatorial class.†(Mastin). After serving in the military, Cicero started defending people in Rome s courts. He likes the Roman Republic and used philosophy to tell the Roman people his political views and to help argue for them to beShow MoreRelatedEssay on Cicero718 Words  | 3 PagesCicero Born Marcus Tullius Cicero in Arpinum (Italy) in 106 BC, he became a writer, statesman, orator and philosopher. He loved politics and he wrote only when he could not participate in government. He had a motto which he constantly strived for: to always be the best and over top the rest. Cicero had a high political career in Rome for that time as winning elections were almost always exclusively controlled by a group of wealthy aristocratic families. Cicero’s family was not one of themRead MoreCicero s Life Project Paper About Cicero1390 Words  | 6 PagesLives Project Paper About Cicero Cicero was born in 106 BC. His mother was from a good family, and his father was just a member of the equestrian order. However, this had not changed the destiny of Cicero of being a very successful and famous poet, lawyer, orator, philosopher, and politician in the future. Cicero started to show his intelligence and talent since his school age. He was a quick and broad learner who was regarded by Plato as the one who was â€Å"fitted for scholarship and the pursuit ofRead MoreIs Cicero A Roman Orator?996 Words  | 4 PagesCicero was a Roman orator, statesman, lawyer, philosopher, political theorist, poet and much more. He wrote some works reflecting the personal feeling of an emotional and sensitive man. He wanted to understand if what is right and what is advantageous can ever conflict. He concluded that such confronts can only be apparent, never real, and this gives him occasion to reassert the supremacy of moral considerations over all others. His main idea is to address t he confusion of what we value and theRead More Roman and Greek Philosophys Influence on Todays Western Culture780 Words  | 4 Pages Advances in Art, science and politics were made in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea. Greek philosophers were among the first in the West to explore nature in a rational way and to make educated guesses about the creation of the world and the universe. This is why Greece is often referred to as the birthplace of Western culture. The ancient Greeks viewed the world in a way that one would today perhaps describe as holistic. Science, philosophy, art and politics were interwoven and combinedRead MoreThe Innocence Of Sextus Roscius Of Ameria Essay1762 Words  | 8 PagesThe general purpose of this study is to examine the method, style, techniques or devices etc. employed by Cicero in convincing his audience of the innocence of Sextus Roscius of Ameria. Generally, studying rhetoric introduces us to some of the most influential thinkers of Western culture. Knowledge of rhetoric helps us to understand our world because every human being practices rhetoric and comes under its influence. This is because every day, we use words to shape attitudes and encourage peopleRead MoreEssay about St. Augustine916 Words  | 4 Pagesextremely difficult to come with a conclusion when it was staring at him straight in the face, but just as he did, we draw up our own conclusions with the guidance of others. Saint Augustine, born Aurelis Augustinus, was an influential and great philosopher and theologian of early times. He was considered the most important of the Latin Church Fathers. His writings of sermons gained fame, notably Confessions and his Treatise City of God. Through his work he helped distinguish the church in WesternRead MoreEssay about Major Depression Disorder794 Words  | 4 Pagesthought that melancholia was caused by too much black bile in the spleen. He used bloodletting (a supposedly therapeutic technique which removed blood from the body), bathing, exercise, and dieting to treat the depression. The famous Roman philosopher and statesman Cicero argued that melancholia was caused by violent rage, fear and grief; a mental explanation rather than a physical one. Hippocrates characterizes melancholia as fears and despondencies. There are early records of depression reported aroundRead MoreSir Thomas More s Utopia And Niccolo Machiavelli s The Prince1454 Words  | 6 Pagesmovement that accompanied the passage of Europe from the Middle Ages to modern times. Niccolo Machiavelli was an Italian civic humanist, historian, diplomat, philosopher, politician, and writer during the Renaissance. He applied the values of the Renaissance to his political treatise, The Prince. Sir Thomas was an English lawyer, philosopher, statesman, and humanist during the Renaissance. He employed the ideals of the Renaissance to his Latin dialogue, Utopia. Both The Prince and Utopia reflect the idealsRead MoreA Critique of Natural Law Essay2522 Words  | 11 Pagesand legal positivism. Plato and Aristotle proved to be of great importance in natural-law thinking from 5th century Greece until the present day. Plato had an idealist view of justice as a kind of absolute which can be understood only by the philosopher and fully realized in an ideal state. Aristotle regarded natural justice as universal, yet ideal. Stoic philosophy, which evolved after Aristotle, plays a great role in the history of natural law. Its emphasis was on reason as the key elementRead MoreThe Roman Empire Essay2154 Words  | 9 Pageslaws. These laws were just a scam in order to get money from wealthy women in order to pay for the war. Marcus Tullius Cicero was an orator, lawyer, politician, and philosopher. Marcus Tullius Cicero had many political and social values that were essential to leading a good life on earth and gaining eternal life in the hereafter or so he believed. As has been said, Cicero subordinated philosophy to politics, so it should not surprise us to discover that his philosophy had a political purpose:
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
McDonald Service Analysis-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignment
Question: Discuss about the McDonald Service Anaysis. Answer: McDonald service analysis McDonald is a known brand in different parts of the world. The company operates in the QSR (Quick Service Restaurant) industry and it has number of outlets in Australia. McDonald has to ensure that its customers get the same experience across any of the stores. The organization ensures this thing through product and service standardization. Over the time, the management of McDonald has realized that it is easy to do product standardization. However, it is difficult to do service standardization. The management has to focus on various front stages and back stages operation for service standardization (Harris, 2009). The overall customer experience would depend on the way McDonald can manage its internal and external operations. It is imperative for McDonald to have standardized back stage and front stage operations across its stores. For example, the company cannot afford to have different front stage process in Sydney stores and Melbourne stores. It would result in a bad customer exp erience. The flowchart of the back-stage operations of McDonald can be shown as: Flowchart: Back Stage operations of McDonald The front operations of McDonald are more people dependent. Therefore, it is important that the company must invest on the training of people. The flowchart of the front-end operations of McDonald restaurant can be shown as: Flowchart: Front Stage operations of McDonald Significance of Service Encounter The above diagram shows the front stage operations of McDonald are complex in nature. There is a dependency on number of people encounter. Therefore, it would be correct to say that the service encounter is the key for McDonald to ensure service standardization. The definition of a service encounter is broad and includes a customer's interaction with customer-contact employees, machines, automated systems, physical facilities, and any other service provider visible element (Helgesen, 2008). It would be correct to say that the absolute customer satisfaction would come only when McDonald is able to improve the service encounter between its employees and its customers. In turn, the service encounter can be improved only when the touch points are improved. The above diagram shows that there are multiple touch points of service encounter for McDonald. The organization must take measures to improve the service encounter with consumers. The key steps of methods that McDonald can take to imp rove the service encounter can be listed as: Invest on training and development of people: Helgesen (2008) argued that the quality or customer experience in service industry depends a lot on the type of people that organizations can get. The organizations can ensure the service quality through adequate training and development programs. It is recommended that that McDonald should have a allotted budget for its training and development programs across Australia. Kwortnik (2009) suggested that generally organizations should have 1% to 2% of revenue as their training budget. The training and development plan should be developed and implement for employees and staff at different levels. With respect to McDonald, the training should be developed for senior management, mid level management and wait staff. Process standardization: Lusch (2008) argued that organizations could improve service encounter through process standardization. McDonald has taken various steps to improve process standardization. For example, organizations uses a full fledge ERP system so that its processes are standardized. Various processes of the organization like vendor management, procurement, and inventory management are interlinked through ERP system. Benchmarking: It is important to mention that benchmarking is also an important tool that could be used to improve the service encounter. Kwortnik (2009) suggests that the approach of benchmarking is particularly useful when the organizations want to adopt the best in industry fundamentals. With this approach, McDonald can learn from the service delivery mechanism of other players in the industry. Taking feedback into consideration: Lusch (2008) highlighted that customer feedback is one of the most effective method to improve service encounter. As a part of feedback process, McDonald should try to understand the pain point of customers. The strategy to tackle the service encounter should depend on the pain point of customers. The entire idea of improvement in service encounter is that the management of McDonald should understand that its employees are the first line of customers. The wait staff may appear as a low level employee. However, he or she is the one who eventually deals with employees. Therefore, it is imperative that McDonald should have a common code of conduct that should be used to manage its different stores. Managerial Implications I personally believe that organizations in service sector must focus to improve the service quality. There could be serious managerial implications if the service quality is not up to mark. It is important that the management of McDonald must keep continuous watch over its service offerings. The first thing for McDonald would be to plan a budget for its service improvement plans. It is recommended that the management should develop a group or formulate a committee that would initially assess the current quality of service offerings from McDonald. The management can use the Service Gap model. The gap model (also known as the "5 gaps model") of service quality is an important customer-satisfaction framework (Lancastre, 2008). It is important that the management should have a close watch over all the five gaps. The supply chain analysis of McDonald suggests that the company has a vast eco-system. The suppliers of McDonald are spread across Australia and in fact across the globe. Therefo re, any compromise in any of the service gap can affect the operations of McDonald badly (Voima, 2013). If any of these gaps do not support the organizations strategy and purpose, it needs to be addressed. The knowledge of the service encounter has some important implications for managers. It is important that the managers of McDonald should realize the importance of service encounters and the impact of service encounters on customer loyalty and customer satisfaction. It is recommended that the management of McDonald should take a top-down approach to inculcate the knowledge to mid level management. The senior leadership can arrange various learning sessions where the seniors can pass on the importance and criticality of service encounters to executives. It is important that the focus on service quality should be established as a culture within the organization. Employees at different levels should equally practice the culture. Another option for McDonald is to take the services of external consultants to provide training to employees. In this era of Internet, McDonald can also utilize the power of social media. The management can have online training modules. In fact, there should be training plans that can be made mandatory for employees (Bechkoff, 2009). The bottom line is that all the executives of McDonald should have a 360-degree view of the service encounters and service relationship marketing. The long term planning of service relationship marketing would help McDonald to improve its relationship with customers and in long term it would help McDonald to improve customer retention (Preston, 2013). The customers should be treated as advocate of McDonald so that customer can also market the offerings of the company. References Baron, S., Harris, K., Hilton, T. (2009).Services marketing: text and cases. Palgrave Macmillan. Broady-Preston, J. (2013). Changing Marketing Concepts: Contemporary Theories and Paradigms in Services Marketing.Marketing Library and Information Services II: A Global Outlook,159, 23. Gronroos, C., Voima, P. (2013). Critical service logic: making sense of value creation and co-creation.Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,41(2), 133-150. Helgesen, O. (2008). Marketing for higher education: A relationship marketing approach.Journal of Marketing for Higher Education,18(1), 50-78. Kwortnik, R. J., Thompson, G. M. (2009). Unifying service marketing and operations with service experience management.Journal of Service Research,11(4), 389-406. Lages, L. F., Lancastre, A., Lages, C. (2008). The B2B-RELPERF scale and scorecard: Bringing relationship marketing theory into business-to-business practice.Industrial Marketing Management,37(6), 686-697. Palmatier, R. W., Jarvis, C. B., Bechkoff, J. R., Kardes, F. R. (2009). The role of customer gratitude in relationship marketing.Journal of marketing,73(5), 1-18. Vargo, S. L., Lusch, R. F. (2008). From goods to service (s): Divergences and convergences of logics.Industrial Marketing Management,37(3), 254-259.
Monday, April 13, 2020
The Decline in Birth Rate in Hong Kong
Introduction It has been noted that the birthrate in Honk Kong has decreased drastically over the years. Arthur points out that Hong Kong’s birthrate had been in the increase over years, that is after II World War but a decrease trend from 1960 onwards had been observed (112). Statistics indicate that the population in 1960 was 36 per 1000 fertile women, a figure that fell to 20 per 1000 by 1970. By the year 2000, the figure had dropped to 8.l and the falling trend seems to be continuing up to now.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Decline in Birth Rate in Hong Kong specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Several reasons can be attributed to the decline; Urbanization is one of the reasons that has lead to factors like family planning which was not a major concern in the past. Ambrose states that use of contraceptives in Hong Kong start at early age by women (26). Female literacy levels have also influenced the birthrate in Hong Kong as most women put their career first and tend to shun motherhood. Infant mortality is another cause; there are many reported infancy deaths in Honk Kong causing a decline in birthrate. The pension policy is also another factor that has contributed to the decline in population. The Effect of The Low Birth Rate In The Economy The continuous decline in the population will have an adverse effect in the economy if encouraged. There will be less people working for the market and labor creativity will be affected greatly (Brigit 97).The domestic market will be largely hit due to the decrease of labor and creativity and this will greatly affect the foreign investment which is one of the most important sources of income in the economy. The saving ratio will also be less due to low birth rate and this will greatly affect the economy if the government fails to intervene. Measures To Be Taken By the Government To Ensure Enough Supply Of Labor In Future The government, by taking instant action can help save the situation in Hong Kong. Children should be taken as a blessing and the government should ensure that their rights are upheld and protected (Douglas et al. 42). The Amnesty International USA named Hong Kong as one of the places that had recorded continuous low birth rates. It provides that child interest should be taken as first priority as one of the measures to protect them from such acts like child trafficking, war and child abuse (112).Advertising Looking for essay on anthropology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The pension service available should be adjusted and the one-child policy done away with. Instead, the government should instead opt for new policies of giving compensation to mothers who give birth to many children and that causes of infancy mortality should be addressed. It should also encourage programs that support working couples with children and provide them with finan cial support; the programs should also aim at advising couples against the use of family planning services. Henry suggests that the government should adjust its monetary policy which has had a negative effect in the economy and created high number of unemployment and a deflation in the currency (46). Conclusion Regaining the normal birth rate in Hong Kong does not mean that overpopulation will be encouraged as many think. It will instead be a positive measure for the economy of Hong Kong whose labor market depends on the new generation that is now becoming almost extinct by day. The government should implement measures to salvage the situation before it is too late. Works Cited Ambrose, Ying. Social Life Development in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 2008. Print. Amnesty International USA. â€Å"Humankind owes to child.†8 Sep 2010. Web. Arthur, Starling. Plague, SARS the Story of Medicine in Hong Kong. New York: Peter Lang Publishing Inc., 2007. Print. Brig it, Zinzius. Chinese America: History, Present Future of the Chinese Americans. Birgit: Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data, 2005. Print.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Decline in Birth Rate in Hong Kong specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Douglas Mctraggart, Christopher Findlay Michael Parkin. Microeconomics. 4th ed. NY: Addison Webley, 2003. Print. Henry, Liu. Two Cents Worth: Hong Kong Pegged to a Failed Policy. Asia Times China. 8 Sept 2010. Web. This essay on The Decline in Birth Rate in Hong Kong was written and submitted by user D1rkAnger to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Battle of Fishers Hill in the American Civil War
Battle of Fishers Hill in the American Civil War Battle of Fishers Hill - Conflict Date: The Battle of Fishers Hill was fought September 21-22, 1864, during the American Civil War (1861-1865). Armies Commanders: Union Major General Philip H. Sheridan29,444 men Confederate Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early9,500 men Battle of Fishers Hill - Background: In June 1864, with his army besieged at Petersburg by Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant, General Robert E. Lee detached Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early with orders to operate in the Shenandoah Valley. The goal of this was to have Early reverse Confederate fortunes in the region which had been sustained a blow due to Major General David Hunters victory at Piedmont earlier in the month. Additionally, Lee hoped that Earlys men would divert some Union forces away from Petersburg. Arriving at Lynchburg, Early was able to force Hunter to withdraw into West Virginia and then drove down (north) the valley. Entering into Maryland, he pushed aside a scratch Union force at the Battle of Monocacy on July 9.  Responding to this new threat, Grant ordered Major General Horatio G. Wrights VI Corps north from the siege lines to reinforce Washington, DC. Though Early threatened the capital later in July, he lacked the forces to mount a meaningful assault on th e Union defenses. With little other choice, he withdrew back to the Shenandoah. Battle of Fishers Hill - Sheridan Takes Command: Weary of Earlys activities, Grant created the Army of the Shenandoah on August 1 and appointed his cavalry chief, Major General Philip H. Sheridan, to lead it. Composed of Wrights VI Corps, Brigadier General William Emorys XIX Corps, Major General George Crooks VIII Corps (Army of West Virginia), and three divisions of cavalry under Major General Alfred Torbert, this new formation received orders to eliminate Confederate forces in the Valley and render the region worthless as a source of supplies for Lee. Moving south from Harpers Ferry, Sheridan initially showed caution and probed to ascertain Earlys strength. Leading four infantry and two cavalry divisions, Early misinterpreted Sheridans early tentativeness as over-caution and permitted his command to be strung out between Martinsburg and Winchester. Battle of Fishers Hill - Gibraltar of the Shenandoah Valley: In mid-September, having gained an understanding of Earlys forces, Sheridan moved against the Confederates at Winchester. In the Third Battle of Winchester (Opequon) his forces inflicted a severe defeat on the enemy and sent Early reeling south. Seeking to recover, Early reformed his men along Fishers Hill just south of Strasburg. A strong position, the hill was situated at a point where the valley narrowed with Little North Mountain to the west and Massanutten Mountain to the east. Additionally, the north side of Fishers Hill possessed a steep slope and was fronted by a creek named Tumbling Run. Known as the Gibraltar of the Shenandoah Valley, Earlys men occupied the heights and prepared to meet Sheridans advancing Union forces.  Though Fishers Hill offered a strong position, Early lacked sufficient forces to cover the four miles between the two mountains. Anchoring his right on Massanutten, he deployed the divisions of Brigadier General Gabriel C. Wharton, Major General John B. Gordon, Brigadier General John Pegram, and Major General Stephen D. Ramseur in a line extending east to west. To bridge the gap between Ramseurs left flank and Little North Mountain, he employed Major General Lunsford L. Lomaxs cavalry division in a dismounted role. With the arrival of Sheridans army on September 20, Early began to realize the danger of his position and that his left was extremely weak. As a result, he began making plans for a retreat further south to begin on the evening of September 22.  Battle of Fishers Hill - The Union Plan: Meeting with his corps commanders on September 20, Sheridan rejected mounting a frontal assault against Fishers Hill as it would cause heavy losses and had a questionable chance of success. Subsequent discussions resulted in a plan to strike Earlys right near Massanutten. While this was endorsed by Wright and Emory, Crook had reservations as any movement in that area would be visible to the Confederate signal station atop Massanutten. Adjourning the meeting, Sheridan reconvened the group that evening to discuss a thrust against the Confederate left. Crook, with support from one of his brigade commanders, future president Colonel Rutherford B. Hayes, argued in favor of this approach while Wright, who did not wish his men to be relegated to a secondary role, fought against it. When Sheridan approved of the plan, Wright attempted to secure leading the flank attack for VI Corps. This was blocked by Hayes who reminded the Union commander that VIII Corps had spent much of the war fighting in the mountains and was better equipped to traverse the difficult terrain of Little North Mountain than VI Corps. Resolving to move forward with the plan, Sheridan directed Crook to begin quietly moving his men into position. That night, VIII Corps formed in heavy woods north of Cedar Creek and out of sight of the enemy signal station (Map). Battle of Fishers Hill - Turning the Flank: On September 21, Sheridan advanced VI and XIX Corps towards Fishers Hill. Nearing the enemy lines, VI Corps occupied a small hill and began deploying its artillery. Having remained concealed all day, Crooks men commenced moving again that evening and arrived at another concealed position north of Hupps Hill. On the morning of the 21st, they ascended the east face of Little North Mountain and marched southwest. Around 3:00 PM, Brigadier General Bryan Grimes reported to Ramseur that enemy troops were on their left. After initially dismissing Grimes claim, Ramseur then saw Crooks men approaching through his field glasses. Despite this, he refused to send more forces to the left end of the line until he discussed it with Early. In position by 4:00 PM, Crooks two divisions, led by Hayes and Colonel Joseph Thoburn, commenced their attack on Lomaxs flank. Driving in the Confederate pickets, they quickly routed Lomaxs men and pressed on towards Ramseurs division. As VIII Corps began to engage Ramseurs men it was joined on its left by Brigadier General James B. Ricketts division from VI Corps. Additionally, Sheridan directed the remainder of VI Corps and XIX Corps to pressure Earlys front. In an attempt to rescue the situation, Ramseur directed Brigadier General Cullen A. Battles brigade on his left to refuse back to face Crooks men. Though Battles men mounted a fierce resistance, they were soon overwhelmed. Ramseur then sent Brigadier General William R. Cox’s brigade to aid Battle. This force became lost in the confusion of the fight and played little role in the engagement. Pressing forward, Crook and Ricketts next rolled Grimes brigade as enemy resistance faltered. With his line shattered, Early began directing his men to withdraw south. One of his staff officers, Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Pendleton, attempted to mount a rearguard action on the Valley Turnpike but was mortally wounded. As the Confederates retreated in confusion, Sheridan ordered a pursuit in the hopes of dealing Early a fatal blow. Chasing the enemy south, the Union troops finally broke off their efforts near Woodstock. Battle of Fishers Hill - Aftermath: A stunning success for Sheridan, the Battle of Fishers Hill saw his troops capture nearly 1,000 of Earlys men while killing 31 and wounding around 200. Union losses included 51 killed and around 400 wounded. As Early escaped south, Sheridan commenced laying waste to the lower part of the Shenandoah Valley. Reorganizing his command, Early attacked the Army of the Shenandoah on October 19 while Sheridan was away. Though the fighting at the Battle of Cedar Creek initially favored the Confederates, Sheridans return later in the day led to a change in fortunes with Earlys men being driven from the field.  The defeat effectively gave control of the valley to the Union and eliminated Earlys army as an effective force.  Selected Sources Civil War Trust: Battle of Fishers HillShenandoah at War: Battle of Fishers HillHistoryNet: Battle of Fishers Hill
Monday, February 24, 2020
Marketing Plan for Al Jazzira Poultry Case Study
Marketing Plan for Al Jazzira Poultry - Case Study Example The main reason behind this is to control the production chain and be less affected by the external factors (suppliers) and to ensure quality. The success and profitability of the poultry farm depends on the selection of good genetic stock and their sound and efficient management. Selection of right type of chicken considering the prevalent the local conditions and the demand for poultry products in the market decide the performance of any poultry farm. The performance of layers with respect to important productivity factors like egg production, feed conversion and bird mortality also influence the profitability of the poultry farming business. Any poultry farming business enterprise should consider the starting up the business in a location from different view points like biological aspect which takes into account the needs of the poultry farming of a clean, dry, quite and comfortable place and business aspect that takes into account good transportation and communication facilities. With this background this paper presents a detailed marketing plan for the poultry firm 'Al Jazzira Poultry' in the country of Jordan. The production of the poultry meat has become the largest facet of the popular industry in Jordan - reports the World Poultry Journal. The total investments in the industry were estimated at US $ 430 million in the year 2003. The number of broiler farms has increased at a remarkable rate during the period from 1981 through the 2000s. There has been tremendous improvement in the production capacity of the firms that were engaged in the farming business. The increase in the production capacity was the result of more number of new business firms entering the business. There are a number of factors which influenced the people to enter into this business. Some important factors that contributed to the development of the poultry farming business in Jordan are: "The limited area of land needed to run poultry farms compared to other agricultural enterprises. Poultry businesses often require small amounts of water, a very important aspect in Jordan, being dependent mainly on rainfall and frequently encountering water supply problems. The short production cycles in poultry allowing a more frequent cash flow compared to other agricultural activities." Apart from the inherent advantages the support from the government also has helped the industry grow to great proportions. The government adopted a floatation
Friday, February 7, 2020
Financial Crisis in the UK Banking Sector Essay
Financial Crisis in the UK Banking Sector - Essay Example Likewise, those that did not have access to important natural resources have been able to access the resource base and exploit the same to their advantage. The characteristic advancement of information and technological systems has made it possible for populations, firms and corporations to exploit emergent opportunities with ease. Notably, a significant percentage of the populations are taking practical steps to align their ways of life to the societal expectations with respect to improved standards of living. Apart from benefiting the society positively, inherent globalization has also had adverse impacts on the wellbeing of the society. Perhaps the sector that has been the most affected by the relative changes pertains to the economic segment. At this point, it cannot be disputed that the world economy directly affects the quality of life of the populations. This has further been occasioned by the characteristic integration that has tied local and regional economy to the wider glo bal economy. Thus operations at the global level have direct implications on the performance and general wellbeing of local, national and regional economy. This integration has made the financial sector susceptible to the negative impacts that stem from economic shocks. Coupled with the fragile nature of financial systems, the current economic instability has undermined the ability of the respective systems to cushion themselves against relative negative impacts. One of the economic problems that has posed great challenges to the UK government as well as the global financial system pertains to the 2008-2009 financial crisis. Seemingly, relevant authorities are taking practical steps to reinstate financial stability and enhance optimal performance. This is elemental in enabling them to attain a desirable state with respect to sustainable growth and development. Fundamentally, relative strategies are in line with their economic goals and objectives. Besides the challenges that are rel ated to economic integration, the UK financial sector has been compounded by governance problems. At this point, it cannot be disputed that governance problems contributed a great deal to the financial crisis that the country experienced at this particular time. In a society that is characterized by uncertainty, effective governance is important in enhancing optimal performance. Governance in this regard is all encompassing and ranges from the expertise and policies to the rules and regulations that are established to guide behavior and decision making. These need to be based on informed thought and to bear desirable outcomes; they need to be consistent with the economic changes being experienced in the market. Indeed, the fact that good governance is essential and contributes significantly to the integrity as well as stability of financial systems cannot be overstated. With this asset, corporations and organization can be able to maneuver their way through the volatile economic env ironment. It is against this background that this paper provides an in depth analysis of how poor governance in the UK financial sector contributed to the financial crisis that it experienced. To enhance coherence, the paper begins by explaining the notion and importance of good governance in the current financial corporate sector. Understanding Good Governance In his research, Hart (1995, p. 54) contends
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Training Key Areas Essay Example for Free
Training Key Areas Essay Employee’s talents, happiness and productivity normally measures on a company’s overall prosperity. Corporate responsibility has become most important value in large organizations. This requires high levels of employee contribution. Community projects and promoting diversity helps companies develop symbiotic relationships with the surrounding environments. Working towards positive corporate culture will surly build the employee value over time. This paper will analyze key trainings that focus on legal requirements, diversity and employee growth, all focusing on larger companies. Legal Requirements According to the article â€Å"Employee Training Development†written by Noe, the different situations that can result in legal actions in a organization include, failure to meet training requirements, employee sustaining injuries due or during training or a injury outside of the training session. The breach of Confidentiality against employees or an employer is also punishable by law and it entitles the employee to punitive damages as their result of injury to his or her character. It’s also vital that the organization that is using the copyright material within its training; that they obtain permission and that it is legal and punishable by law. The business must maintain and abide by both federal and state regulations in addition to the local laws; because these laws may permit the amount of hours required by laws to maintain the status of a Limited Liability Company. Organizations that are established under a Limited Liability Company must keep track of an updated hour list that are spending on training and the people that participated in the trainings. Depending if the company is a sole proprietorship, corporation or a limited liability; the legal advisor can only strengthen the company after the trainings. The relationship between legal advisors and lawyers is extremely beneficial because he or she is well educated in the goals and objectives and can provide influential perspectives on any opportunities that can benefit the company in the future. The relationship between the employer and legal advisor is also important because they ensure that the employer is knowledgeable of the laws in other states as they are diffe rent depending on location of the business. Diversity The development of diversity training is further than just race, gender, culture and work ethic. Great diversity training within the company provides the employers the proper tools that are needed to attract new employers and maintain their great diversity work place. The diversified management and leadership programs provide coaching to assist individuals, by doing this it will create exceptional employer and employee relationships. These training programs that will be offered will increase the abilities of growth for the company and reduces the complaints and lawsuits that may be filled with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Complaints that would be filled with the EEOC would be any violation against the Civil Rights Act. The Civil Rights Act title VII prohibits employment discriminations based on sex, race, color or national origin. (EEOC, n.d.). The requirement needs for organization training is ensuring that all employees are present. Also that no materials presented are or could be offensive to any employees. Lastly organizations that are incorrectly report its training sessions as expenses’ or report reimbursements as income may harm the organization in forms of lawsuits and can very well damage the reputation. Employee Growth Employee growth is when organizations establish diversity training. When men and women participate in education courses, counseling services, and career development, it can lead to promotions and internal career advancement. The success of managers and hourly employees advancing to salary positions will produce a rippled affect as managers strive to their goals. Managers begin working closely with employees to mentor and provide them with any desired qualities that he or she may possess but need training to advance further. The end result is more stress free environment and increase in self esteem, and less turn over’s. Conclusion Even though in all business are different, they mostly all want the same end result; success. The road to get to success is quite similar, hard work and dedication. Employee growth, legal requirements and diversity will help get to the right road, yet clearly it takes work and trainings and patience. The end result will be worth the hardship. A company must be willing to do the job correctly and it will have success. References Title Vii of the civil rights act of 1964, retrieved from. Usa.Gov Noe, R. A. (2008). Employee Training and Development (4th ed.). New York: McGraw Hill. Blanchard, P. N., Thacker, J.W. (2007). Effective Training Systems, Strategies, and Practices (3rd ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Libertarians Unethical in Respect to Poverty Essay -- Libertarian Polit
Poverty in the United States has long been a social, political, and human rights issue. Few people would say that it is not our moral duty, as social human beings to take care of those less fortunate than ourselves, to the best of our ability. I say "few" because there are some people out there who believe that we have no moral obligation to do anything outside of ourselves. These types of people have what is called a "libertarian" viewpoint. There is really no specific definition of "libertarian", but it is associates "justice with liberty and†¦liberty itself with the absence of interference by other persons." In relation to the matter at hand, specifically poverty in America, libertarians are against taxing the affluent or forcing people to aid the starving and poor. One of the most influential libertarians of our time is Professor Robert Nozik. His theory of justice begins with the premise that all people have "Lockean rights", which require that we refrain from interfering with others. Other than this we have no obligation to do anything positive for anyone else, and likewise, they have no obligation towards us. These rights are natural or inalienable because all humans have them and they do not come from any social or political institutions. These rights forbid us from interfering with a person's liberty even if it would promote some general good, or prevent another's rights from being violated. Overall, the general idea is that people have the liberty to live a life free from intervention of others, and can lead their life however they so choose. In addition, he says that if a person acquired their fortune or possessions without harming, defrauding, or violating the rights of any others, then it is morally perm... ...down to it, we are all the same. Some people have been fortunate enough to grow up in an environment that is financially, emotionally, and spiritually stable. Some people have not been so fortunate. Does this mean that they should not be given the opportunity to try to make something of themselves so that they can change their respective situation? A society that employs a libertarian point of view is one that is regressing, not progressing. In India, the system of social classes is still in effect. Whichever class a person is born into is the class that they remain a part of†¦forever. Such a system offers no opportunity for advancement, and essentially is an example of a belief in the predestination of all people. It is sad to think that in a society as advanced as the United States, there are still those among us who would employ such systems, if possible.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Changes in Children- Birth Essay
Before six months the main reason why a child’s emotion and emotional expression is different is due to the brain not being fully mylinated. As the child ages past the first month, their frontal cortex begins to advance as increasing neurological development is starting and beginning to modify and transform the operations of the in-built emotional expressions (Wilson, 2003, p. 55). Suffering, pain, joy, fear and interest are among the first emotions that an infant express. These primary emotions are important as this is a child’s first way of showing and communicating with adults their needs. It is for the reason of communication we must look at our primary emotions as a human survival mechanism, as these are involuntary and in- built features all children are born with (Wilson, 2003, p. 55). All primary emotions are all expressed in the same manner, which raises the question as to whether emotions are all universal; that emotions are genetic, or that all cultures share mutual background features. There are 2 main theories on emotional development; discrete emotions theory and a structural approach (Wilson, 2003, p. 48). Izard, Tomkins, Ekman are the leaders of discrete emotions theory. These theorists proclaimed that emotion had 3 components; physiological, behavioural and subjective. These emotions where present from birth and could be seen by studying facial expressions of infants. The results and information these theorists where gaining agreed with Darwin that these expressions where the same in all culture and must be an in-built neural feature. As humans age our primary emotions network with cognition and form ‘cognitive affected structures’, this is how secondary emotions are developed discrete emotions theory (Wilson, 2003, p. 49). This theory can be applied to my own family, as recently there was a sudden death of my aunt, as a result we had family members calling from different parts of Australia and the world calling to offer their condolences and support to our family. This reaction to a death of a family member is universal. The structural development approach see’s development as holistic. This approach states that all systems interact with each other and the environment with emphasis on the social environment. The environment play a large factor in the development of children, but theorists cannot deny genetic is also a large contributor. Sroufe a theorist states that all emotions have antecedent. In Sroufe’s theory in the first 6 months of an infant’s life emotional ancestor can also be physiological states and not recognised as emotions, and that secondary emotions build from there (Wilson, 2003, p. 50). By the age of two, a toddler’s brain contains more neurons than an adult and has twice the amount of connections between these cells. It has been linked that that as a toddler’s brain contains more neurons that they need more rest then adults for their brain’s to function fully. During this time more neurons die and more connections are pruned throughout brain in the first three years of life than other stage of life. The leading element of the development of expressions of emotion in the child’s environment is the carer and the care the child receives. Emotional deprivation occurs when children who are not had consistent warm emotional relationships as a young child, this leads to their secondary emotions being weak. Children who have suffered from emotional deprivation are targets for exploitation and paedophiles as they have ‘affection hunger’ (Wilson, 2012 slide, 8) A child in the toddlerhood has additionally reached a point where they have developed a sense of self. The maturation of the frontal lobes and the limbic circuit in the brain is the cause for the development of a toddler achieving a sense of self. As a result of the toddlers sense of self they are able to show empathy and can affectively communicate and label their emotions to their peers and adults. This allows a child to say ‘I am mad or sad’ instead of crying and having a tantrum, although toddlers still react in this manner they can communicate there emotions more effectively (â€Å"Emotional development†, 2006,. ara 7). From two to six years of age is early childhood. It is at this stage in a child’s life they have developed motor skills that enable them to become more self-sufficient and self-controlled. Children are creating friendships and being more engrossed in playtime such as; painting pictures which creates symbolic expression. There is an incr easing need for the carer to engage with the toddler by conversing and meeting the child’s social, cognitive and emotional needs, their perspectives, and interests. The child’s ability to tell stories is a way of understanding their perspectives (â€Å"Hearing young children’s voices,†nd, p. 19). Through a greater understanding of the world around them a child develop and understanding that the world didn’t revolve around them and that nothing was as simple as they one thought it was. During the age of 2-6 most children attend preschool, which gives young children a great understand about display rules. By attending preschool it gives young children an understanding about how to express their emotions in an appropriate way in all contexts of life ranging from family, school and society. Toddlers may learn how to appropriately express their emotions but influences from their family still have a great impact on their expression. The preschool is a system, with rules, boundaries, and expectations. It is important for children to know where they stand and by placing them in a system such as preschool whilst they are developing their emotional expression allows them to shine. For children in good environments the control of emotional expression accelerates from 3 to 5 years (Wilson, 2003, p132). From the age of six to eight children become aware of the difference between expressing emotion and feeling it. This affectively allows the child to manage their emotional expression by reflecting on their emotions; this is an emotional coping skill children learn in order to avoid negative attention or experiences such as bullying. Although, school age children are becoming more exposed to the wider world new challenges are arising such as, fears of failing or poor academic result in school as many children are put under presser from parents to achieve high grades (Berk, 2009, p. 410). When the child reaches ten years of age their expression of emotions is likely to have significantly enhanced. At this age most children have developed a set of techniques for controlling their expressions of emotion. General strategies are problem centred coping, they are able to identify the challenge, asses and solve issues that may arise. If problem solving is not successful the child may adopt emotion-centred coping that is private and internal (Berk, 2009, p. 410). An external influence has also been heightened during this period such communicating with their peers on how to deal with the situation. Children at this age are able to justify circumstances and actions or â€Å"reconstruct scenarios to make them seem less upsetting emotionally†(â€Å"Emotional development†, 2006,. para. 11). By age eleven, the child has began to integrate inner standards of excellence and good behaviour with self-conscious emotions; their internal strategies are starting to be utilised for self-regulating, and a shift from problem centred and emotion centred coping has taken place and there social etiquette of expressing emotions has improved (Berk, 2009, p. 416). In adolescents emotions are still forming. Most children reach adolescence rom eleven to twenty years. During this time an adolescent is trying to create distance from their family and form their independence. Peer pressure may appear to be irresistible regardless of the adolescence’s inner feelings, as it full fills their need for acceptance and desire to ‘fit it’. Emotional expression and even the adole scence’s inner feelings may alter on the way they react to certain stimuli or events, when in the context of groups, this can be seen in how a adolescent reacts on a school excursion to how they react out with their peers on the weekend at a movie theatre. Wilson, 2003, p. 176-77). Young adolescences’ endure peer group contexts where their expression of emotion is displayed in the environment of peer norms. Each child is an individual as they have been brought up in different backgrounds. In turn their fundamental feelings have been restricted although they have acquired the display associated with emotion. In example some adolescences may display in anger in what they have seen of anger, with the increase in aggression used television shows and in movies adds to the range of anger an adolescent cane use (Wilson, 2003, pp176-77). In certain circumstances some adolescences exhibition emotions that they may not feel or more emotions than felt, this is present in children of younger age groups but, is more dominant in adolescences. Adolescence is known as a period of storm and stress. Social, cognitive and environmental factors are a large contribution of how the adolescences expression of emotion will inevitably mature. During adolescence the social problems become more complex and they chose to talk to their peers to offer help to overcome this situation (â€Å"Emotional development†, 2006,. para. 12). Children who have been deprived have complex expressions of emotions, and on top of the struggle with complicated emotions that arise during adolescents put’s these children at greater strain. Adolescents according to Piaget are self- focusing. Piaget believed that during adolescence a new form of egocentrism formed as adolescents could not separate the difference between their thoughts and others thoughts. There were 2 main ways this could be explained, through self-audience and personal fable. Self -audience is when an adolescent believes they are the emphasis of everyone’s attention. It is through self-audience that adolescents may feel extremely self-conscious and aware of themselves. Self fable is when an adolescent feels that people are always giving them attention and watching them, this is similar to what a toddler may think but by this stage an adolescent should know that they can not always be the centre of attention. When an adolescent is not receiving they believe is due it leads to them being upset and moody. (Berk, 2009, p. 252) As human beings everyone develops their emotion expression at various time of their life. As we age and mature so do our emotions and expressions, how an infant reacts to a range of emotions compared to a 20 year old will be absolutely different, this may be due to the culture they have been brought up in or they have learned display rules. As seen throughout this essay emotional development does not occur in isolation but in some rare circumstances it does, there are many cognitive, neurological and behavioural influences interact with emotional, social and cultural influences. References Berk, L. (2009). Child development (8th ed. Person International Edition Colman,A. (2009), Oxford Dictionary of Psychology. Oxford: Oxford University Press Emotional development . (2006). Retrieved from http://www. education. com/reference/article/emotional-development/ Hearing young children’s voices, (n. d). Retrieved from http://www. children. act. gov. au/documents/PDF/under5report. pdf Wilson, L. (2003), The Emotional Life of Children. National Library of Australia: Charles Sturt University. Wilson, L. (2012). Lecture3: dependence needs of children [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from in class on the 17/07/2012
Sunday, January 5, 2020
The Risk Of Falling And Its Effect On The Individual And...
A patient that incurs a fall is described as an unanticipated plunge to a surface with the possibly of sustaining an injury. â€Å"Each year, between 700,000 and 1,000,000 people in the United States fall in the hospital†reports A Toolkit for Improving Quality of Care, n.d. Individuals sustaining a fall is a troublesome issue worldwide. The risk of falling is enhanced as a result of hospitalization due to the unfamiliarity of the surround environment, sickness and treatments. The fall itself and associated inuries imposes a burden on the individual and the entire health care system. It can have a lingering effect on the individual resulting in limited mobility, which imposes declining functionality and a heightened probability of additional occurrences of falling 4. As individuals age, the probability of being injuries as a result of a fall increases dramatically and in the case of necessary hospitalization, results in increased costs and prolonged periods of stay (Dykes et al., 2010). Respect, response, direct communication and engaging patient participation with regard to their own are the key elements of patient-centered care (Sherwood Zomorodi, 2014). â€Å"When patients and families are treated as members of the care team, they can become safety allies, thereby preventing errors†(p. 17), contends Sherwood Zomorodi, (2014). Case in point; clinicians are made aware from a patient that the expected care program is not working with their daily routine or by asking aboutShow MoreRelatedOral Health Promotion For Health1508 Words  | 7 PagesOral Health Promotion Healthy People initiatives are compilations of health topics and interventions for healthcare professionals to promote and improve quality of health nationally. These initiatives are science based and expand throughout 10 years. Healthy People 2020 is the current initiative and was initiated in December of 2010. This paper will discuss oral health promotion. 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